Trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite; those of a pair equal; with ochrea in the leaf axils. Inflorescence of axillary and/or terminal compound dichasial cymes; lax. Sepals with a row of colleters inside. Corolla lobes sinistrorse in bud; mature corolla salverform, tube much longer than calyx; lobes oblong or narrowly ovate. Stamens free from the style head, completely included in the corolla tube; filaments short and narrow; anthers ovate, base cordate or rounded, apex obtuse, apiculate, fertile entire length. Disk absent. Gynoecium 2-carpellate, apocarpous but apically united into a common style, glabrous; 2 ovules per carpel (in Asia); style filiform. Fruit of paired stipitate, ovoid berries; 2-seeded (in Asia).
Trees or shrubs, latex present. Branches slender, terete. Leaves decussate, leathery, glabrous, with a conspicuous marginal vein and numerous, straight lateral veins. Cymes corymbose or subpaniculate, terminal or axillary. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx small, without glands. Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, inflated in distal half; lobes shorter than tube, overlapping to left; corona absent. Stamens inserted in inflated portion of corolla tube, included; anthers narrowly ovate; disc absent. Ovaries distinct or connate at base; ovules 2-4 per locule. Style filiform; pistil head thickened, apex minute, 2-cleft. Berry 1-or 2-seeded. Seeds ovate or oblong, without coma; cotyledons leaflike, radicle erect.
Corolla hypocrateriform, externally glabrous, internally hairy above and below stamens; tube not developing splits (as in Pleiocarpa); lobes contorted, overlapping to the left, not ciliate.
Calyx glabrous; lobes free to base, herbaceous, imbricate, not revolute; scales present, covering part of the ventral surface of sepals.
Ovary glabrous, 2-carpellate, apocarpous, with 2-30 ovules per carpel; clavuncle present; stigmatic apiculus well developed.
Stamens inserted above the middle of the corolla tube; filaments short, anthers dorsifixed, introrse, without carina.
Inflorescences cymose, terminal, rarely also axillary; pedicels present, up to 1 cm. long.
Fruit a compound berry; mericarps not beaked; seeds with smooth testa; endosperm horny.
Stems and leaves completely glabrous.
Spines and tendrils absent.
Trees, shrubs and lianes.
Stipules absent.
Latex present.