Alyxia Banks ex R.Br.

Alyxia (en)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Apocynaceae


Climbers, scramblers or shrubs. Branches sometimes with large corky protuberances. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-7, more or less equal in size within a whorl but often of extremely different sizes and shapes on different parts of the plant; colleters present in the axils. Inflorescences axillary and/or terminal, consisting of solitary flowers, of simple pleiochasia, or of compound pleiochasia and then sometimes forming large terminal panicles; flowers 5-merous (but see Alyxia kabaenae). Sepals ovate to linear; colleters absent. Corolla lobes sinistrorse; tube cylindrical, somewhat inflated around stamens; lobes erect, spreading or reflexed. Stamens inserted mostly in the upper half of the corolla tube, more rarely around or just beneath the middle, not exserted from corolla throat; filaments straight, short and thin; anthers ovate, fertile for most of the length; free from style head. Disk absent. Gynoecium 2-carpellate, apocarpous but apically united into a common style; glabrous to pubescent; style filiform; style head small. Ovules several. Fruit a pair of drupes from each flower, very frequently with one aborted, consisting of one or more articles with one seed in each article, when more than one then forming a moniliform chain; articles globose or ellipsoid (in Malesia); endocarp thin and papery, sometimes somewhat thicker to quite tough, mesocarp fleshy, often very thinly so; pericarp thin and coloured. Seeds simple; endosperm ruminate (or with longitudinal ridges outside Malesia). Embryo with flat to strongly undulate cotyledons.
Perennial woody lianes, subshrubs or shrubs, evergreen; latex white. Stems without spines. Leaves petiolate, opposite or 3-or 4-whorled; lamina entire or spinose, herbaceous, coriaceous or fleshy, glabrous or with simple basifixed trichomes; colleters absent. Inflorescences axillary or pseudo-terminal, thyrsoid, cymose or paniculate, with 1–many flowers, pedunculate. Flowers scented, sessile or pedicellate. Calyx without colleters. Corolla salverform; tube slightly swollen at area of stamen insertion, glabrous or with indumentum; lobes sinistrorse in bud. Corolline corona absent. Stamens included, inserted in upper part of tube, not adherent to style-head; anthers lanceolate, dehiscing introrsely. Disc absent. Style-head subglobose to cylindrical, shortly bifid. Fruit moniliform with 1–several articles, each article globose to ellipsoidal, 1-seeded. Seeds ovoid, globose, or ellipsoidal-globose, unwinged, with a deep ventral groove, ecomose.
Plants woody lianas or erect to trailing shrubs, with latex. Leaves in whorls of 3 or 4, rarely opposite. Cymes terminal and/or axillary, sometimes in clusters or short thyrses. Flowers small, 5-merous. Calyx deeply divided, without basal glands. Corolla white or rarely yellow, salverform, tube cylindric, widened at stamens insertion, lobes overlapping to left; corona scales absent. Stamens included, inserted at or above middle of corolla tube; filaments very short; anthers free from pistil head; disc absent. Ovaries 2, distinct; ovules biseriate, 4-6 in each ovary. Style filiform; pistil head capitate, apex shortly 2-cleft. Fruit usually paired, moniliform, transversely constricted into 1-5 drupelike articles, or not jointed. Seeds ovate or oblong; endosperm horny, ruminate; cotyledons leaflike, erect or curved.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Alyxia unspecified picture


Alyxia world distribution map, present in Australia, China, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000001444
INPN ID 445405
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Alyxia Paralstonia

Lower taxons

Alyxia grandis Alyxia orophila Alyxia solomonensis Alyxia tropica Alyxia veillonii Alyxia pugio Alyxia acuminata Alyxia bracteolosa Alyxia efatensis Alyxia erythrosperma Alyxia fascicularis Alyxia funingensis Alyxia glaucophylla Alyxia globosa Alyxia graciliflora Alyxia gracilis Alyxia gynopogon Alyxia hainanensis Alyxia halmaheirae Alyxia ilicifolia Alyxia kaalaensis Alyxia kwalotabaa Alyxia leucogyne Alyxia longiloba Alyxia luzoniensis Alyxia marginata Alyxia menglungensis Alyxia muguma Alyxia mujongensis Alyxia multistriata Alyxia palawanensis Alyxia pullei Alyxia racemosa Alyxia royeniana Alyxia ruscifolia Alyxia sarasinii Alyxia siamensis Alyxia spicata Alyxia stellata Alyxia tisserantii Alyxia arfakensis Alyxia hurlimannii Alyxia kabaenae Alyxia kendarica Alyxia lackii Alyxia laurina Alyxia manusiana Alyxia microphylla Alyxia minutiflora Alyxia nathoi Alyxia oppositifolia Alyxia punctata Alyxia purpureoclada Alyxia reinwardtii Alyxia ridleyana Alyxia rostrata Alyxia semipallescens Alyxia sinensis Alyxia sleumeri Alyxia sogerensis Alyxia sulana Alyxia tetanifolia Alyxia tetraquetra Alyxia thailandica Alyxia angustifolia Alyxia angustissima Alyxia buxifolia Alyxia celebica Alyxia composita Alyxia concatenata Alyxia floribunda Alyxia ganophylla Alyxia magnifolia Alyxia pilosa Alyxia scabrida Alyxia schlechteri Alyxia torquata Alyxia fascicularis Alyxia laurina Alyxia podocarpa Alyxia squamulosa Alyxia cylindrocarpa Alyxia pseudosinensis Alyxia annamensis Alyxia defoliata Alyxia monticola Alyxia loeseneriana Alyxia margaretae Alyxia oleifolia Alyxia markgrafii Alyxia oubatchensis Alyxia linearis Alyxia poyaensis Alyxia balansae Alyxia lamii Alyxia baillonii Alyxia caletioides Alyxia rubricaulis Alyxia cacuminum Alyxia oblongata Alyxia parvifolia Alyxia obovatifolia Alyxia papuana Alyxia uniflora Alyxia vera Alyxia evansii Alyxia mucronata Alyxia clusiophylla