Lianas, sometimes rooting adventitiously, old stems sometimes developing prominent corky wings. Leaves opposite, long petiolate, usually 3-5-veined at base, sometimes strictly pinnately veined. Inflorescences umbel-like or producing a succession of cymules and eventually racemelike, sessile or pedunculate. Calyx glands 5. Corolla rotate to broadly campanulate [urceolate to globose]; lobes twisted to left or valvate. Corona lobes 5, stellate spreading or suberect, fleshy, adaxially often tuberculate, keeled or appendaged, apex entire, dentate, or lobed. Filaments connate into a tube, anther appendages short and obtuse; pollinia 2 per pollinarium, erect or subhorizontal, margin of inner angle raised and translucent. Stigma head dilated. Follicles linear or cylindric, usually paired, narrowly divergent to strongly reflexed, smooth. Seeds with coma.