Leaves 25–40 × 10–18 mm. Flower stem 35–55 mm long. Flower stiffly erect, 17–20 × 25–30 mm, green to yellowish green; calli yellow, green or reddish; column green with reddish flecks and markings. Dorsal sepal spathulate, incurved, 17–20 × 6–9 mm; apical club c. 1 mm long. Lateral sepals projecting forwards beneath labellum or strongly recurved, 14–16 × 2 mm; apical clubs c. 1 mm long. Petals widely divergent, 13–15 × 4.5–6 mm. Labellum obliquely erect, ovate to heart-shaped, 12–13 × 9–12 mm. Calli about 12, a prominent group of stalked calli at base. Column 11–12 × 4–5 mm.
Highly localised; growing among shrubs in shrubby forest and heathy forest in moisture-retentive, dark, gravelly loam and peaty loam.