Culms 2–3 m tall, 1–2 cm in diam.; internodes terete or slightly 4-angled, 12–20 cm, initially densely striate, fulvous tomentose, becoming verrucose; nodes with prominent ridge, more level at basal culm nodes without branches, basal nodes each with a ring of 5–7 root thorns; sheath scar with a densely retrorsely fulvous tomentose ring and persistent sheath base. Branches 3 per node. Culm sheaths purple-brown spotted, shorter than internode, papery, sparsely brown setose, more densely setose at sheath base, margins brown ciliate; oral setae absent to 2; ligule arcuate, ca. 1 mm, apex serrulate; blade linear-lanceolate, 1–2 × 0.2–0.3 cm, glabrous, articulate. Leaves 2–4 per ultimate branch; sheath densely brown tomentose, one margin brown ciliate; oral setae erect, pale, 8–10 mm; ligule ca. 1 mm; blade oblong-lanceolate, 16–22 × 1–1.5 cm, abaxially densely white pubescent, adaxially glabrous, but rough close to midvein, secondary veins 4-or 5-paired. Inflorescence unknown.