Prostrate perennial herb or shrub. Leaves suborbicular in outline, shallowly 3-5-lobed, margins not toothed, base usually cordate. Stipules up to 15 x 6 mm, elliptic, foliaceous. Flowers sulphur-yellow with dark red or purplish centre.
Flowers up to 5 cm. in diam., sulphur-yellow with dark red or purplish centre, solitary, axillary or in 2–3-flowered sympodial inflorescences; peduncle 10–20 mm. long, articulated near the base.
Epicalyx of 3 bracts; bracts very caducous and very variable in shape and size, the central one sometimes foliaceous.
Shrublet or perennial herb; branchlets often prostrate, minutely stellate-pubescent.
Calyx 8–12 mm. long; lobes triangular, joined at the base for 5–6 mm.
Capsule c. 10 × 10 mm., subglobose-ovoid, stellate-pubescent.
Style projecting 6 mm. beyond the staminal column.
Seeds 7–8 × 5–6 mm., ellipsoid, brown-sericeous.
Staminal tube 6–8 mm. long.