Perennial herb or shrub, up to 1.5 m high. Leaves flabelliform, margin toothed in upper half, base cuneate. Stipules up to 10 x 6 mm, foliaceous, sometimes somewhat amplexicaul. Flowers yellow with dark red or purplish centre.
Flowers 6–8 cm. in diam., yellow with dark red or purplish centre, solitary in the axils of the upper leaves or more rarely in 2–3-flowered sympodial inflorescences; peduncle up to 25 mm. long, articulated near the base.
Calyx 10–13 mm. long, 15-nerved, pubescent or nearly glabrous; lobes broadly ovate, mucronate, joined for 8–9 mm. at the base.
Petals c. 4 × 4 cm., obliquely broadly obovate, minutely stellate-pubescent outside, glabrous inside.
Shrublet or perennial herb up to 1·5 m. tall; branchlets tomentose to nearly glabrous.
Epicalyx of up to c. 10 bracts; bracts 2–3·5 mm. long, narrowly linear.
Staminal tube 7–8 mm. long; free parts of filaments 4–6 mm. long.
Style projecting for up to 10 mm. beyond the staminal tube.
Capsule 10–12 × 8–10 mm., ellipsoid, appressed-pubescent.
Seeds with brownish silky floss.