Citrullus Schrad.

Water melons (en), Vignes du désert (fr), Pastèque au sens large (fr)


Angiosperms > Cucurbitales > Cucurbitaceae


Plants annual or perennial, monoecious, trailing or climbing; stems <annual>, villous or pustulate-scabrous to pustulate-hispid and sparsely hirsute; roots fibrous or fleshy to somewhat woody, tuberous; tendrils unbranched or 2–3[–4]-branched. Leaves: blade ovate or elongate-ovate to lanceolate-ovate or ovate-triangular, deeply palmately 3–5(–7)-lobed, lobes oblong to ovate or triangular, each pinnately lobed to shallowly sinuate-lobulate, margins remotely serrate to dentate or denticulate, surfaces eglandular. Inflorescences: staminate and pistillate flowers solitary, from different axils; bracts <caducous>, linear. Flowers: hypanthium campanulate; sepals 5, [oblong-ovate to deltate] lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; petals 5, connate in proximal 1/2, yellow, obovate-oblong to widely oblanceolate [oblong-lanceolate or oblong-ovate], 6–16 mm, pubescent to glabrate, corolla rotate to campanulate. Staminate flowers: stamens 3; filaments inserted at hypanthium base, distinct; thecae distinct, replicate, forming a head, connective broad; pistillodes present. Pistillate
Herbs, climbing, annual or perennial. Stem and branches scabrous, robust. Tendrils 2-or 3-fid, rarely simple. Leaves orbicular or triangular-ovate, deeply 3-5-partite; segments lobulate or dissected. Plants monoecious; flowers solitary, rarely fasciculate. Male flowers: calyx tube broadly campanulate, 5-lobed; corolla rotate or broadly campanulate, deeply 5-partite; segments ovate-oblong; stamens 3, inserted on base of calyx tube; filaments free, short; anthers free or slightly coherent, one 1-celled, others 2-celled; anther cells linear, sigmoid-flexuous; connective dilated, not produced; rudimentary ovary glandlike. Female flowers: calyx and corolla as in male flowers; staminodes 3, setiform or ligulate; ovary ovoid, with 3 placentas; ovules numerous, horizontal; style short, columnar; stigmas 3, thick, reniform, nearly 3-lobed. Fruit globose or oblong, fleshy or dry, indehiscent, many seeded. Seeds oblong, compressed, smooth, marginate or emarginate.
Herbs, annual (or perennial with root-stock), trailing or climbing, plant scabrous or soft-hairy; monoecious. Probract present. Tendrils branched (unbranched or spinescent, not in Malesia). Leaves: blade simple, ± pinnately lobed. Flowers solitary, pedicelled, medium-sized, petals (nearly) free, yellow. Male flowers: receptacle-tube short, broadly campanulate; sepals narrow; petals ovate-oblong, obtuse, margin entire; stamens 3, inserted near the base of the receptacle-tube, filaments free, short, anthers coherent, two 2-thecous, one 1-thecous, thecae plicate, connective broad, flat; disc inconspicuous. Female flowers: perianth as in male flowers; ovary ovoid or subglobose, hairy, style short, stigma deeply 3-lobed, ovules numerous, horizontal; disc not apparent; staminodes small. Fruit a pepo, solitary, (small or) large, firm-walled, indehiscent. Seeds numerous, compressed, (narrowly) ovate in outline, (nearly) smooth, margined or not, edge entire.
Monoecious, tendriled vines; stems creeping, 5-to 10-sulcate. Leaves petiolate, deeply pinnatifid, the lobes often further divided; tendrils 2-to 5-branched, rarely spinescent. Staminate flowers solitary or rarely fascicullate; calyx broadly campanulate, 5-lobate; corolla rotate or broadly campanulate, deeply 5-lobate; stamens 3, inserted on the calyx tube at the base, the filaments free, short, the anthers free or slightly connate, flexuous, 1 anther unilocular, others bilocular; pistillodium glanduliform. Pistillate flowers disposed similarly to the staminate flowers; calyx and corolla as in the staminate flowers; ovary ovoid, 3-carpellate, the styles 3, connate, the stigmas 3, reniform, somewhat bilobate; staminodia 3, short, setiform or ligulate. Fruits globose or oblong, large, fleshy or dry, inde-hiscent; seeds numerous, horizontal, oblong, compressed, marginate or emarginate.
Monoecious trailing or climbing annual or perennial herbs, pubescent or hispid. Tendrils simple, 2–4-branched or (not in Australia) absent. Leaves simple, usually deeply palmately to pinnately lobed. Probracts present. Male flowers solitary; hypanthium campanulate; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes lanceolate; corolla deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, rotate, yellow. Stamens inserted towards base of hypanthium; connective broad, trilobed; anthers 3, two bilocular, one unilocular; locules flexuose, triplicate; disc absent. Female flowers solitary. Perianth similar to male; ovary subglobose to ellipsoidal, pilose; ovules many, horizontal; stigma 3-lobed; staminodes 3. Fruit large, fleshy, firm-skinned, indehiscent, subglobose to ellipsoidal. Seeds many, ovate, compressed, more or less smooth.
Annual or tuberous-rooted perennial trailing or climbing herbs. Leaves simple, usually deeply ± pinnately lobed. Tendrils simple, proximally 2–4-fid, or absent. Probracts present. Flowers yellow, of medium size, monoecious. Male flowers solitary; receptacle-tube short, campanulate; lobes moderately large; petals 5, united below the middle; stamens inserted on the tube, 3 (2 double 2-thecous, 1 single 1-thecous), free; connectives broad; thecae flexuous. Female flowers solitary; ovary hairy, subglobose; ovules many, horizontal; receptacle-tube short; staminodes present; stigma 3-lobed. Fruit large, subspherical, greenish, firm-walled, fleshy, indehiscent. Seeds many, usually ovate in outline, compressed, smooth or slightly rough. Fig. 5, p. 45.
Annual or perennial, monoecious herbs with running or climbing, hairy stems. Rootstock not tuberous. Tendrils simple or branched. Lvs deeply pinnatifid, hairy. Fls axillary, solitary, yellow. Calyx deeply 5-lobed. Corolla deeply 5-lobed, rotate. Stamens 3; filaments and anthers free; connective not prolonged beyond loculi. ♀ fls with 3 small staminodes. Ovary with 3 placentae and many ovules; stigmas 3. Fr. fleshy, indehiscent, smooth, globose to oblong-ellipsoid; peduncle accrescent. Seeds numerous, flat and smooth, dark; margin not raised.
Male flowers solitary. Receptacle-tube short, campanulate; lobes lanceolate, remote. Petals 5, shortly united, entire. Stamens 3, 2 double two-thecous, 1 single one-thecous; filaments inserted on receptacle-tube; connectives broad; thecae flexuous.
Female flowers solitary; receptacle-tube very short, cylindrical, perianth otherwise similar to that of male flower; staminodes 3; ovary ellipsoid or subglobose, hairy, smooth; ovules many, horizontal; stigma 3-lobed.
Fruit subspherical or ellipsoid, greenish or yellow, often mottled, terete, firm-walled, fleshy, indehiscent.
Seeds ovate in outline, compressed, smooth or slightly rough.
Leaves simple, petiolate, usually ± deeply lobed.
Prostrate or scandent annual or perennial herbs.
Tendrils simple, proximally 2–4-fid, or absent.
Flowers yellow, monoecious.
Probracts present.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Citrullus unspecified picture
Citrullus unspecified picture


Citrullus world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000008410
BDTFX ID 86182
INPN ID 190865
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Anguria Colocynthis Citrullus Rigocarpus

Lower taxons

Citrullus ecirrhosus Citrullus mucosospermus Citrullus rehmii Citrullus amarus Citrullus naudinianus Citrullus colocynthis Citrullus lanatus