Trees or shrubs, glabrous or with a few simple hairs. Flowers hermaphrodite, in few-flowered fascicles either sessile or pedunculate and appearing umbellate, axillary, pedicellate; bracts and bracteoles usually deciduous. Sepals 3, valvate, free. Petals 6, in 2 series, free, those of the outer series oblong-elliptic, valvate, mostly spreading, the inner ones imbricate, much shorter, concave and recurved over the androecium and gynoecium. Stamens numerous, sessile, cuneiform, the anther-cells linear, extrorse; connective with a thick truncate prolongation. Carpels 6–many, free, oblong or linear-oblong, 1–2-ovulate; styles mostly obsolete; stigma discoid or punctiform. Monocarps indehiscent, subglobose or ovoid or somewhat transverse, subsessile or distinctly stipitate, 1–2-seeded, if 2-seeded then slightly constricted between the seeds. Seeds globose or plano-convex according to number.