Inflorescence terminal, racemiform, up to 20 cm long (measurement excluding the corollas), formed by 1–3-flowered (or more) axillary erect cymes; inflorescence leaves similar to the cauline ones, but smaller; peduncles up to 1.5 cm long, solitary in each axil; pedicels 1.5–3 cm long, bibracteolate at the base; bracts very small.
Calyx purplish-green, 20–25 mm long and 18–20 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes, broadly campanulate, broadly truncate at the base, hispidulous-puberulent, accrescent; lobes 10–12 mm long and 7–10 mm wide at the base, triangular, tapering to a ± narrowly acute apex, subauriculate.
Stems annual, 1–numerous, erect, simple or sometimes branched below the main inflorescence, 4-angled, hollow, ± densely leafy, ± densely hispidulous with short patent hairs.
Corolla white or cream, scented; tube 8–11.5 cm long, hispidulous with short brownish hairs; lobes unequal, c. 10 mm long, oblong, obtuse.
Fruit black, surrounded by the somewhat accrescent reddish calyx.
A suffrutex 24–150 cm high, with a woody rootstock.
Style and stamens long exserted.