Clerodendrum L.


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Lamiaceae


Woody plants, mostly trees or shrubs, sometimes woody vines, usually un-armed or rarely with the petiole-base spinescent, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leaves simple, decussate-opposite or whorled, entire or variously dentate, decidu-ous, exstipulate. Inflorescences cymose, the cymes mostly loose-flowered, pedun-culate in the upper leaf-axils, paniculate at the apex of the branchlets or densely aggregate in terminal corymbs or heads, the flowers rarely solitary. Flowers zygomorphic, often large and showy, mostly white, blue, violet, or red, the calyx the same color as the corolla or contrastingly red, white, or green; callyx cam-panulate or rarely tubular, truncate, 5-toothed, or 5-fid, often accrescent, spreading and subtending the fruit or enclosing it; corolla hypocrateriform, gamopetalous, the tube narrowly cylindric, straight or incurved, sometimes slightly ampliate at the mouth, often elongate, more rarely only slightly exceeding the calyx, the limb spreading or subreflexed, 5-parted, the lobes subequal or the posterior and exterior pairs slightly shorter and the anterior one larger, sometimes concave; stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the corolla-tube, long-exserted, involute in bud, perfect, alternate with the corolla-lobes, the anthers ovate or oblong, 2-celled with parallel thecae, opening by longitudinal slits; pistil one, compound, 2-carpellate, the style terminal, elongate, shortly and acutely 2-fid apically, the ovary imperfectly 4-celled, each cell 1-ovulate, the ovules high-lateral, hemianatropous. Fruit dru-paceous, globose or obovoid, often 4-sulcate and sub-4-lobed, the exocarp more or less fleshy, the endocarp bony or crustaceous, smooth or variously rugose, separating on maturity into 4 pyrenes or these sometimes cohering in pairs; seeds oblong, without endosperm.
Trees, shrubs or lianes or occasionally perennial herbs or pyrophytes with large woody rootstocks, sometimes with persistent spinescent petiole-bases often acting as scrambling aids. Leaves simple, opposite or in whorls of 3–4, entire or toothed. Flowers in lax cymes, extensive panicles or dense corymbs or heads, axillary or terminal, often appearing axillary but actually terminating abbreviated shoots, rarely solitary. Calyx often coloured and showy, campanulate to tubular, truncate to 5-toothed, often accrescent in fruit. Corolla white, blue, violet (etc.) or red, almost regular or quite irregular; tube narrowly cylindrical, straight or curved, often widened towards throat, sometimes very long or only as long as calyx; limb spreading or reflexed, the anterior lobes larger than the posterior pairs. Stamens 4–5, didynamous, inserted in the corolla-tube, alternate with the lobes, usually long-exserted. Ovary imperfectly 4-locular, each locule with one lateral ovule. Style terminal, elongate; stigma shortly 2-fid, exserted. Drupes obovoid or globose, often 4-grooved and ± (2–)4-lobed; mesocarp ± fleshy; endocarps bony or crustaceous, smooth or rugose, separating into 4 pyrenes or 2 pairs of pyrenes; seeds with no albumen.
Erect or climbing, unarmed shrubs, hairy or glabrous, often foetid, sometimes with underground suckers or rhizomes. Lvs usually opposite, rarely whorled, simple. Fls in axillary cymes or terminal corymbs or panicles, pedicellate, fairly large. Calyx campanulate, usually turbinate, sometimes tubular, 5-toothed to deeply 5-lobed, often strongly accrescent. Corolla usually strongly zygomorphic, salverform with tube narrow for most of length; limb 5-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous, inrolled in bud, long-exserted and usually curved at anthesis. Style exserted, 2-fid. Ovary incompletely 4-celled, each cell with 1 ovule. Fr. a drupe, often enclosed in calyx, often 4-lobed; exocarp succulent or nearly dry; pyrenes 1-4.
Corolla symmetrical in bud or, if asymmetrical, usually expanding abruptly on upper side due to resupination, actinomorphic; tube ± long, narrowly cylindrical or funnel-shaped; limb of 5 equal or subequal spreading or reflexed lobes, anterior corolla lobe only slightly (if at all) larger than the others.
Leaves simple, opposite decussate or 3–4-verticillate, usually petiolate, caducous; lamina entire, undulate, dentate or crenate; petiole articulated, sometimes the lower part persisting as a woody spine.
Fruit drupaceous, obovoid or globose, often 4-grooved, (2)4-lobed; mesocarp ± fleshy; endocarp bony or crustaceous, separated into four 1-seeded pyrenes or 2 pairs of pyrenes; seed without albumen.
Calyx usually regular, campanulate to tubular or cup-shaped, ± deeply 5-lobed or truncate, sometimes 5-angled, usually persistent and accrescent in fruit.
Stamens 4(5?) didynamous inserted on the corolla tube, usually long exserted, erect and subparallel or ± diverging; anthers versatile.
Flowers in lax or ± dense cymes grouped in axillary or terminal racemose, corymbose, paniculate or head-like ± compact inflorescences.
Style terminal, slender, ± equalling the filaments; stigma exserted, 2-fid, the lobes equal short, slender, acute.
Perennial herbs or suffrutices with woody rootstocks, shrubs (often with arching stems), lianes or trees.
Carpels 2, each incompletely divided into 2 loculi; locules 1-ovulate.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 21 - 60
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Clerodendrum unspecified picture


Clerodendrum world distribution map, present in Angola, Åland Islands, Andorra, Australia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cook Islands, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia, Moldova (Republic of), Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Paraguay, Rwanda, Sudan, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, Somalia, eSwatini, Seychelles, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Vanuatu, Samoa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000008593
BDTFX ID 86190
INPN ID 606873
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Marurang Valdia Archboldia Montalbania Clerodendrum

Lower taxons

Clerodendrum sassandrense Clerodendrum abilioi Clerodendrum atlanticum Clerodendrum africanum Clerodendrum alboviolaceum Clerodendrum arenarium Clerodendrum aucubifolium Clerodendrum barbafelis Clerodendrum baronianum Clerodendrum bethuneanum Clerodendrum bingaense Clerodendrum bipindense Clerodendrum bracteatum Clerodendrum brunnescens Clerodendrum canescens Clerodendrum capitatum Clerodendrum carnosulum Clerodendrum cephalanthum Clerodendrum ceramenae Clerodendrum chamaeriphes Clerodendrum chartaceum Clerodendrum chlorisepalum Clerodendrum citrinum Clerodendrum cochinchinense Clerodendrum comans Clerodendrum confine Clerodendrum confusum Clerodendrum corbisieri Clerodendrum costatum Clerodendrum dembianense Clerodendrum dewittei Clerodendrum dinklagei Clerodendrum disparifolium Clerodendrum dusenii Clerodendrum ekmanii Clerodendrum eucalycinum Clerodendrum flavum Clerodendrum fortunatum Clerodendrum friesii Clerodendrum fuscum Clerodendrum gaudichaudii Clerodendrum globosum Clerodendrum globuliflorum Clerodendrum godefroyi Clerodendrum grayi Clerodendrum grevei Clerodendrum griffithianum Clerodendrum haematolasium Clerodendrum harmandianum Clerodendrum hettae Clerodendrum hexangulatum Clerodendrum hildebrandtii Clerodendrum hispidum Clerodendrum hiulcum Clerodendrum ingratum Clerodendrum insolitum Clerodendrum intermedium Clerodendrum involucratum Clerodendrum kalaotoense Clerodendrum kanichi Clerodendrum katangensis Clerodendrum kauderni Clerodendrum kinabaluense Clerodendrum kwangtungense Clerodendrum laciniatum Clerodendrum laevifolium Clerodendrum lanessanii Clerodendrum lastellei Clerodendrum laxiflorum Clerodendrum leucophloeum Clerodendrum longilimbum Clerodendrum longisepalum Clerodendrum lutambense Clerodendrum macrostachyum Clerodendrum madagascariense Clerodendrum melanocrater Clerodendrum mildbraedii Clerodendrum moramangense Clerodendrum myrtifolium Clerodendrum nicolsonii Clerodendrum oblongifolium Clerodendrum ohwii Clerodendrum paucidentatum Clerodendrum pauciflorum Clerodendrum peregrinum Clerodendrum perrieri Clerodendrum petasites Clerodendrum petunioides Clerodendrum philippinense Clerodendrum pleiosciadium Clerodendrum polyanthum Clerodendrum polycephalum Clerodendrum preslii Clerodendrum puberulum Clerodendrum pyrifolium Clerodendrum revolutum Clerodendrum robecchii Clerodendrum robustum Clerodendrum roseiflorum Clerodendrum rotundifolium Clerodendrum rubellum Clerodendrum rusbyi Clerodendrum sarawakanum Clerodendrum schmidtii Clerodendrum sessilifolium Clerodendrum singalense Clerodendrum smitinandii Clerodendrum splendens Clerodendrum sumatranum Clerodendrum sylvae Clerodendrum tanganyikense Clerodendrum tatei Clerodendrum ternatum Clerodendrum tibetanum Clerodendrum tomentellum Clerodendrum tomentosum Clerodendrum tonkinense Clerodendrum tracyanum Clerodendrum trichotomum Clerodendrum umbellatum Clerodendrum umbratile Clerodendrum urticifolium Clerodendrum vinosum Clerodendrum wallii Clerodendrum welwitschii Clerodendrum yunnanense Clerodendrum adenophysum Clerodendrum albiflos Clerodendrum bellum Clerodendrum boivinii Clerodendrum bosseri Clerodendrum brassii Clerodendrum buettneri Clerodendrum cauliflorum Clerodendrum cuspidatum Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum Clerodendrum decaryi Clerodendrum denticulatum Clerodendrum elliptifolium Clerodendrum emirnense Clerodendrum ervatamioides Clerodendrum farafanganense Clerodendrum fistulosum Clerodendrum floribundum Clerodendrum formicarum Clerodendrum gibbosum Clerodendrum hendersonii Clerodendrum henryi Clerodendrum hircinum Clerodendrum humbertii Clerodendrum infortunatum Clerodendrum japonicum Clerodendrum johorense Clerodendrum lanceoliferum Clerodendrum luteopunctatum Clerodendrum mabesae Clerodendrum macrocalycinum Clerodendrum macrostegium Clerodendrum magnificum Clerodendrum magnoliifolium Clerodendrum mandarinorum Clerodendrum mandrarense Clerodendrum margaritense Clerodendrum microcalyx Clerodendrum nhatrangense Clerodendrum palmatolobatum Clerodendrum parvitubulatum Clerodendrum parvulum Clerodendrum phlomidis Clerodendrum poggei Clerodendrum porphyrocalyx Clerodendrum praetervisa Clerodendrum premnoides Clerodendrum pubifolium Clerodendrum ringoetii Clerodendrum rumphianum Clerodendrum scopiferum Clerodendrum silvestre Clerodendrum singwanum Clerodendrum subpeltatum Clerodendrum thomsoniae Clerodendrum vanoverberghii Clerodendrum villosum Clerodendrum adenocalyx Clerodendrum brachystemon Clerodendrum caryopteroides Clerodendrum deflexum Clerodendrum frutectorum Clerodendrum galeatum Clerodendrum garrettianum Clerodendrum horsfieldii Clerodendrum inaequipetiolatum Clerodendrum kaichianum Clerodendrum kampotense Clerodendrum lindleyi Clerodendrum mindorense Clerodendrum morigono Clerodendrum nudiflorum Clerodendrum nutans Clerodendrum peii Clerodendrum ramosissimum Clerodendrum sahelangii Clerodendrum silvanum Clerodendrum toxicarium Clerodendrum trichanthum Clerodendrum x speciosum Clerodendrum japonicum Clerodendrum kamhyoae Clerodendrum thouarsii Clerodendrum giganteum Clerodendrum sayapense Clerodendrum johnstonii Clerodendrum densiflorum Clerodendrum izuinsulare Clerodendrum minahassae Clerodendrum hastatum Clerodendrum volubile Clerodendrum calamitosum Clerodendrum lanuginosum Clerodendrum nipense Clerodendrum schweinfurthii Clerodendrum cordatum Clerodendrum brunfelsiiflorum Clerodendrum colebrookianum Clerodendrum cubense Clerodendrum phyllomega Clerodendrum cecil-fischeri Clerodendrum bakhuizeni Clerodendrum excavatum Clerodendrum grandiflorum Clerodendrum triflorum Clerodendrum lindemuthianum Clerodendrum klemmei Clerodendrum andamanense Clerodendrum sinuatum Clerodendrum tricholobum Clerodendrum longiflorum Clerodendrum baumii Clerodendrum mannii Clerodendrum thyrsoideum Clerodendrum putre Clerodendrum sylvestre Clerodendrum breviflorum Clerodendrum brooksii Clerodendrum cumingianum Clerodendrum dependens Clerodendrum fasciculatum Clerodendrum filipes Clerodendrum finetii Clerodendrum kiangsiense Clerodendrum lecomtei Clerodendrum leparense Clerodendrum luzoniense Clerodendrum membranifolium Clerodendrum pynaertii Clerodendrum subreniforme Clerodendrum brachyanthum Clerodendrum fastigiatum Clerodendrum leucobotrys Clerodendrum anomalum Clerodendrum apayaoense Clerodendrum brunsvigioides Clerodendrum buchananii Clerodendrum buchneri Clerodendrum condensatum Clerodendrum curranii Clerodendrum curtisii Clerodendrum dauphinense Clerodendrum elberti Clerodendrum elliotii Clerodendrum erectum Clerodendrum eupatorioides Clerodendrum fugitans Clerodendrum geoffrayi Clerodendrum hahnianum Clerodendrum hainanense Clerodendrum lankawiense Clerodendrum lindenianum Clerodendrum lloydianum Clerodendrum macrocalyx Clerodendrum mananjariense Clerodendrum manombense Clerodendrum micans Clerodendrum multibracteatum Clerodendrum myrianthum Clerodendrum myrmecophilum Clerodendrum pierreanum Clerodendrum pusillum Clerodendrum pygmaeum Clerodendrum ridleyi Clerodendrum riedelii Clerodendrum sakaleonense Clerodendrum subtruncatum Clerodendrum tubulosum Clerodendrum utakwense Clerodendrum villosicalyx Clerodendrum wenzelii Clerodendrum williamsii Clerodendrum speciosissimum Clerodendrum chinense Clerodendrum bungei Clerodendrum indicum Clerodendrum paniculatum Clerodendrum quadriloculare