Shrub to 2 m. tall, the stem densely setose with stiff reflexed hairs up to 6 mm. long; petioles 1-2 cm. long, almost completely occupied by a densely setose formi-carium; leaf-blades obovate-oblong, up to 2 dm. long, sparsely setose above, densely hirsute on the veins beneath, almost glabrous on the surface, 7-pli-nerved; flowers 5-merous, in a densely setose cluster; hypanthium campanulate, setose with spread-ing hairs up to 10 mm. long; sepals oblong, obtuse, nearly 2 mm. long from the torus; exterior teeth slender, sparsely long-setose, surpassing the sepals by 2 mm.; petals white, 5-6 mm. long.