Flowers 4-to 7-merous. Hypanthium cup-shaped to tubular; sepals erect or spreading, of various shapes and sizes, in some species obsolete; exterior teeth present, in many species exceeding and more or less concealing the sepals; petals small, obtuse, mostly white; stamens isomorphic; anthers subulate, linear, semi-ovoid, or rarely obovoid; connective usually simple, or briefly prolonged below the thecae, or rarely prolonged into a short dorsal appendage; ovary partly or wholly inferior, its cells commonly isomerous with the petals; style slender; stigma capitate to punctiform; fruit a globose many-seeded berry. Herbs, shrubs, or rarely even trees, with axillary flowers or flower-clusters of various types.
A shrub. The leaves are covered with soft hairs. The flowers are white. The fruit are pink and turn purple when ripe.