Small shrub, long-hirsute throughout; petioles 1-4 cm. long, bearing formicaria at the base; leaf-blades thin, ovate or ovate-oblong, 1-2 din. long, 7-12 cm. wide, more or less unequal in each pair, abruptly acuminate, finely serrulate, ciliate, rounded to subcordate at base, 5-to 7-nerved, thinly pilose on both sides; cymes small, compact, few-flowered, sessile or nearly so in the upper axils; hypanthium cylindric, 3-3.5 mm. long, sparsely hirsute; sepals minute; exterior teeth widely spreading, stout, about 1 mm. long; petals 4, white, about 2 mm. long; anthers linear.