Epiphytic shrubs, perhaps dioecious; twigs slender, branching. Leaves nar-rowly ovate, apically acuminate, basally rounded or obtuse, mostly 6-9 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, the lateral veins inconspicuous, slightly arcuate, anastomosing to form a submarginal vein near the margin, the margins often drying slightly revo-lute, discolorous, often drying gray or silvery above, matte and yellowish to reddish brown beneath; petioles mostly ca. 3 mm long, often drying darker than the leaf. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, short, strict or sparingly branched at the base, the peduncles with 1-many pairs of short, cucullate bracts to ca. 1 mm long, the internodes to ca. 3 mm long, angled; pedicels 2-3 mm long. Flowers fragrant, ?white or pinkish, ?sometimes with yellow; buds globose or ovoid, to ca. 7 mm long; sepals 5, imbricate, ca. 2 mm long rotund, with thin margins; petals 5, quincuncial, rotund, several times larger than the sepals; stamens un-known, in pistillate flowers the androecium reduced to a fleshy body almost covering the ovary with ca. 2 series of staminodes at the periphery, the stami-nodes ca. 20, connate but free apically; ovary ovoid or turbinate, 4-5-locular, surmounted by thickened stylar and stigmatic wing-like processes, the ovules numerous. Fruit fleshy, ?white, ca. 6 mm long.