Tree; branches striate, canescent, branchlets striate, silky pubescent; ocreae membranaceous to thinly coriaceous, divided to the middle, protracted in a long obtuse apex, to 4.5 cm. long, golden or tawny pubescent; petioles inserted at the base of the ocreae, 1-2 cm. long, canescent on the adaxial surface, short pilose elsewhere becoming glabrate; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, obovate or obovate-elliptic, apex short acuminate to rarely rounded, narrowed below the middle to a cordate or nearly rounded base, 11 X 6, 15 X 8, to 25 X 15 cm. long and wide, thin, cori-aceous and flat when young, conspicuously undulate or bullate between the veins when mature, margin reflexed, primary veins 14-17 on each side, generally glabrous but long pilose on the midrib; inflorescence terminal, the staminate 15-34 cm. long, the pistillate 20 cm. long, loosely flowered, all parts pilose, peduncle 1 cm. long, staminate flowers in clusters of 3 or 4, pistillate flowers borne singly at each nodule, bracts and ocreolae minute, to 0.5 cm. long, pilose, pedicels thin, about 1 mm. long, hypanthium campanulate, slightly stalked, 1 mm. long, the perianth lobes ovate, about 1 mm. long, fertile filaments 1.5 mm. long, exserted, fertile pistil 1.5 mm. long, styles 3, fruiting pedicels 1-1.5 mm. long, fruit ovoid, slightly stalked at the base, coronate at the apex, strongly striate when dry, 7 mm. long, 4 mm. thickest diameter; achene dark brown, strongly trigonous.