Coccoloba P.Browne

Coccoloba (en)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Polygonaceae


Shrubs or trees, trees with scrambling branches, or lianas; branches terete or stout, commonly strongly striate, short shoots commonly developed laterally, or the terminal shoots of limited growth becoming long shoots, pith solid or the stem hollow except at the nodes; nodes commonly swollen; ocreae characteristically developed, sheathing at first, becoming split along one or two sides, the basal portion commonly coriaceous and persistent, the apical portion commonly mem-branaceous and deciduous or entirely membranaceous and deciduous, glabrous, puberulent or silky pubescent; leaves alternate, persistent or deciduous, membrana-ceous, chartaceous or coriaceous, on deciduous trees the young leaves usually turning black on drying, varying considerably in size on the same shoots, the leaves of adventitious or juvenile shoots commonly much larger and frequently of dif-ferent shape from those of normal shoots; the petiole borne at the base of, or well above the base of, the ocrea, petioles slender to stout, commonly canaliculate above, glabrous to puberulent or pubescent; leaf blades with margins flat to slightly recurved, straight or undulate, midrib commonly keeled above and often below, primary veins straight to the margin or branched near the margin becoming reticulate, or arcuate and anastomosing, or arcuate and bifurcate-anastomosing, the secondary venation parallel or reticulate, conspicuous to obscure, leaf surface glabrous, puberulent or pilose becoming glabrate, pubescence often mixed with glandular-like bodies which are either hair bases or resinous excretions from the stomata or rarely multicellular glands; inflorescence terminal or terminal on lateral shoots, paniculate, racemose or spicate, the peduncle usually short; basal ocrea present, flowers functionally unisexual, the staminate flowers borne in clusters of 2-7, the pistillate flowers usually borne singly at each nodule on the rachis, rachis swollen at each flower cluster or terete, flowering clusters distinct or confluent, subtended by a small bract and one or more membranaceous ocreolae, ocreolae usually covering the flower bud and splitting regularly or irregularly forming a membranaceous collar or sheath, or one, two or more appendages, pedicels short or well developed, equaling or exceeding the ocreolae, hypanthium well developed or slight, perianth lobes usually 5, rarely to 7 in number, imbricate in bud, often reflexed at maturity, stamens usually 8, functional stamens exserted, non-functional stamens included, filaments commonly flared at the base and more or less united, functional pistil exserted, the non-functional pistil included, ovary strongly trigonous, glabrous, functional styles 3, or if 2 or 1 the non-functional styles filamentous, stigmatic surface often expanded; hypanthium and perianth lobes expanding in fruit, or only the perianth lobes expanding to cover the achene, fruiting hypanthium-when fresh commonly brightly colored and fleshy, usually astringent to taste, occasionally strongly fibrous; the achene trigonous in outline, black, brown or tan in color, shiny or dull, the outer wall hard, the inner layer papery, seed with ruminate endosperm, the major lobes 3, the minor lobes and involutions numerous, the embryo centrally located, the cotyledons orbicular, flat, rarely folded or contorted, the radicle small and terete.
Trees or shrubs, evergreen; roots woody. Stems erect or spreading, glabrous or pubescent distally. Leaves persistent, cauline, alternate, petiolate; ocrea often deciduous, membranous to coriaceous; blade lanceolate to round or transversely elliptic, margins entire. Inflorescences terminal, racemelike, pedunculate. Pedicels present. Flowers functionally unisexual, some plants having only staminate flowers, others with only pistillate flowers, base stipelike; perianth white or greenish white, campanulate, glabrous; tepals 5, connate proximally, sepaloid, monomorphic. Staminate flowers 1-7 per ocreate fascicle, perianth nonaccrescent; stamens 8; filaments connate at base, adnate to perianth, glabrous; anthers white or bluish white, elliptic to round; pistil rudimentary. Pistillate flowers 1 per ocreate fascicle, perianth accrescent and fleshy in fruit; stamens rudimentary; styles 3, erect, distinct; stigmas capitate. Achenes usually included in fleshy perianth tube, brown to black, unwinged, bluntly 3-gonous, glabrous. Seeds: embryo straight. x = 11.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 10 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 21
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Coccoloba unspecified picture


Coccoloba world distribution map, present in Panama and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000008721
INPN ID 445899
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Coccoloba Guaiabara

Lower taxons

Coccoloba colombiana Coccoloba acapulcensis Coccoloba acrostichoides Coccoloba acuna Coccoloba albicans Coccoloba charitostachya Coccoloba chiapensis Coccoloba cholutecensis Coccoloba clementis Coccoloba conduplicata Coccoloba cordata Coccoloba coronata Coccoloba costata Coccoloba cowellii Coccoloba cozumelensis Coccoloba darienensis Coccoloba declinata Coccoloba dussii Coccoloba escuintlensis Coccoloba excelsa Coccoloba fallax Coccoloba fastigiata Coccoloba fawcettii Coccoloba filipes Coccoloba flavescens Coccoloba floribunda Coccoloba hotteana Coccoloba humboldtii Coccoloba incrassata Coccoloba johnstonii Coccoloba klotzschiana Coccoloba laevis Coccoloba lanceolata Coccoloba lasseri Coccoloba longifolia Coccoloba longipes Coccoloba lucidula Coccoloba munizii Coccoloba oligantha Coccoloba pallida Coccoloba pauciflora Coccoloba pyrifolia Coccoloba rigida Coccoloba rosea Coccoloba salicifolia Coccoloba samanensis Coccoloba savannarum Coccoloba scandens Coccoloba spicata Coccoloba spinescens Coccoloba standleyana Coccoloba steinbachii Coccoloba sticticaulis Coccoloba striata Coccoloba tenuifolia Coccoloba toaensis Coccoloba troyana Coccoloba tuerckheimii Coccoloba venosa Coccoloba wrightii Coccoloba wurdackii Coccoloba yaracuyensis Coccoloba zuliana Coccoloba armata Coccoloba baracoensis Coccoloba barkeri Coccoloba belizensis Coccoloba bullata Coccoloba caesia Coccoloba caravellae Coccoloba ceibensis Coccoloba cereifera Coccoloba cruegeri Coccoloba cujabensis Coccoloba fuertesii Coccoloba gardneri Coccoloba geniculata Coccoloba gentryi Coccoloba glaziovii Coccoloba goldmanii Coccoloba gracilis Coccoloba grandiflora Coccoloba guanacastensis Coccoloba guaranitica Coccoloba hirtella Coccoloba hondurensis Coccoloba lapathifolia Coccoloba lehmannii Coccoloba leoganensis Coccoloba leonardii Coccoloba liebmannii Coccoloba lindeniana Coccoloba liportizii Coccoloba marginata Coccoloba meisneriana Coccoloba microphylla Coccoloba microstachya Coccoloba mollis Coccoloba montana Coccoloba mosenii Coccoloba nervosa Coccoloba nicaraguensis Coccoloba nigrescens Coccoloba nipensis Coccoloba nodosa Coccoloba northropiae Coccoloba nutans Coccoloba obovata Coccoloba ochreolata Coccoloba orinocana Coccoloba orizabae Coccoloba ortizii Coccoloba ovata Coccoloba padiformis Coccoloba paraensis Coccoloba paraguariensis Coccoloba peltata Coccoloba persicaria Coccoloba petrophila Coccoloba picardae Coccoloba portuguesana Coccoloba ramosisissima Coccoloba reflexiflora Coccoloba retirensis Coccoloba retusa Coccoloba rufescens Coccoloba rugosa Coccoloba ruiziana Coccoloba schomburgkiana Coccoloba shaferi Coccoloba sintenisii Coccoloba taylorii Coccoloba tenuiflora Coccoloba warmingii Coccoloba dwyeri Coccoloba coriacea Coccoloba arboreus Coccoloba argentinensis Coccoloba barbadensis Coccoloba benitensis Coccoloba x boxii Coccoloba x jamaicensis Coccoloba x lundellii Coccoloba manzinellensis Coccoloba obtusifolia Coccoloba peruviana Coccoloba subcordata Coccoloba tiliacea Coccoloba urbaniana Coccoloba plantaginea Coccoloba plumieri Coccoloba alnifolia Coccoloba arborescens Coccoloba ascendens Coccoloba buchii Coccoloba densifrons Coccoloba latifolia Coccoloba gymnorrhachis Coccoloba jimenezii Coccoloba praecox Coccoloba reflexa Coccoloba brasiliensis Coccoloba krugii Coccoloba lindaviana Coccoloba llewelynii Coccoloba praestans Coccoloba proctorii Coccoloba swartzii Coccoloba williamsii Coccoloba zebra Coccoloba porphyrostachys Coccoloba pubescens Coccoloba diversifolia Coccoloba acuminata Coccoloba caracasana Coccoloba uvifera