Male flowers on unarticulated stellate-puberulous pedicels up to 7 mm. long: calyx cyathiform, deeply 4–5-lobed, densely greyish-puberulous outside; tube up to 1·5 mm. long, glabrous at the base within; lobes 3·5–5 × 2·5–3·5 mm., ovate-elliptic, with acute apex, longitudinally 5–8-nerved, with a few stellate hairs inside towards the apex, otherwise with subglobose papillae; androphore up to 2·4 mm. long, glabrous, with 8–9 uniseriate anthers; vestigial carpels 4, glabrous, immersed among the anthers.
Tree 6–10 m. tall, evergreen; very young branchlets minutely stellate-pilose, soon glabrous; bark whitish and longitudinally sulcate.
Flowers 1–7-nate in axillary fascicles on 1–3-year-old wood.
Female flowers and fruit not so far known.