Trees with entire, palmatilobed or digitately divided, petiolate leaves; petioles often with a swollen apical pulvinus, sometimes swollen at the base also.
Male flower: anthers 5–12 in 1 or apparently 2 superposed rings on an androphore; vestigial carpels often sunk in the top of the androphore.
Flowers unisexual or polygamous, usually dioecious, in axillary racemes, panicles or fascicles; pedicels usually articulated.
Fruit of 3-several (or fewer by abortion) leathery or woody carpels finally splitting lengthwise.
Seeds 1–?, without endosperm; cotyledons thick, 2 (in our species) or more.
Calyx 4–5 (6)-lobed.
Petals absent.