Cola greenwayi Brenan


Angiosperms > Malvales > Malvaceae > Cola


Tree 3-20 m high, monoecious or dioecious; young branchlets russet to light cinnamon brown or grey tomentose at first, mixed with stellate or bunched hairs which fall readily. Stipules very soon falling, subulate-lanceolate to linear, 3-6 mm long, dark to light-brown or grey tomentose. Leaves simple, entire, blade elliptic to narrowly obovate-elliptic, narrowing to base and apex, 4-15 cm long, 1.4-5 cm broad, glabrous at maturity, midrib slender, prominent on both surfaces, with usually 7-18 main lateral veins, distinct to prominent on lower surface; petiole 0.5-5.5 cm long with a thickened pulvinus at the apex, tomentose throughout, with some long hairs as well, becoming glabrous except for the pulvinus which is persistently tomentose. Inflorescence 1-flowered, axillary, solitary or fascicled and crowded on branchlets between the leaves; flowers unisexual, rarely some bisexual, apparently dioecious (may be monoecious), arising from sessile imbricating bracts which are 1.5-3.5 mm long, densely stellate-tomentose without subpersistent; pedicels about 7-20 mm long, (sometimes obscurely articulate), about midway, densely stellate-pubescent, hairs dark to light brown, short or long (as long as the pedicel is broad). Calyx 4-6-lobed almost to the base at flowering time, dorsally stellate-pubescent; lobes from about 5-10 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm broad, inner face stellate-pubescent at least in upper half lepidote below. Petals 0. Male flower with staminal tube about 2.5-4.5 mm long, densely pubescent to subglabrous; anthers up to 8 in one row, sessile in a ring around the apex of the staminal-tube, rudimentary carpels and styles in the centre of the ring. Female flower with ovary sessile, densely stellate-pubescent, about 2 or 3 mm diam., with a ring of rudimentary stamens around the base, carpels 4-5(3?); styles arising laterally with clavate recurved, papillose stigmas. Carpels 4-5 or less by abortion, orange yellow to deep orange with touch of vermilion when ripe, obliquely subglobose obliquely ellipsoid or obovate, 1 x 1.3 cm to 1.8 x 2 cm rounded on top with the remains of the style-base lateral and obscure, or forming a mucro, stellate pubescent in parts (rubs off easily) with dark to light brown hairs, long bristles, rind at maturity rather thin and brittle; seeds 1-2(coat like that of fruit); cotyledons 2(one smaller than the other, reddish pink tinge between them in fresh fruit); plumule stellate-pubescent.
Male flowers (not collected in our area as yet, description based on Tanganyika material) on ferruginous-stellate-pubescent pedicels 4–7 mm. long articulated above the base; calyx deeply 4–6-lobed, densely ferruginous-stellate-tomentose outside, tube up to 1·5 mm. long, glabrous within; lobes 5–10 × 2·5–5 mm., elliptic to obovate-elliptic with acute apices, with 3–5 longitudinal nerves, stellate-pubescent within the upper half, minutely papillose below; androphore 2·5–4·5 mm. long, glabrous except for a circle of stellate hairs at the base or densely pubescent, with 5–6 anthers in a single series at the apex and 4 vestigial pubescent or subglabrous carpels immersed in the top.
Leaf-lamina up to 15 × 7 cm., subcoriaceous, purplish-red when young, elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate-elliptic, apex obtusely acuminate, margin entire or sinuate, base broadly cuneate or narrowly rounded, glabrous on both surfaces, midrib prominent on both surfaces, nerves in 8–12 pairs, prominent on both surfaces but particularly beneath, venation reticulate; petiole up to 5·5 cm. long, with a dark-brown-stellate-tomentellous pulvinus just below the lamina; stipules 5 mm. long, caducous, subulate-lanceolate, brown-tomentose.
Female flowers as in the male but with the pedicels up to 1 (2) cm. long and the part above the articulation markedly sulcate; carpels 3–4, densely stellate-tomentose, biovulate; styles up to 3 mm. long, tomentose; stigmas 1 × 0·5–1·25 mm., patent or recurved, papillose; anthers 5, sessile, surrounding the base of the carpels.
Tree, up to 20 m high. Petiole with swollen apical portion tomentose. Fruit subglobose to oblique ellipsoid, 10 x 13-18 x 20 mm, rind rather thin and brittle at maturity. Flowers brownish.
Follicles 1–1·8 × 1·4–2 cm., sessile or subsessile, obliquely ellipsoid to obovoid, rounded or mucronate at the apex, ferruginously tomentellous, 1–2-seeded.
Tree 6–17 (24) m. tall, evergreen, dioecious; young branches densely dark-brown-tomentellous; bark rough.
Seeds 13–16 × 8–11 mm., ellipsoid, with a brown rugulose testa.
Flowers 1–8-nate in fascicles on 1–3-year-old wood.
A small tree.
Life form perennial
Growth form tree
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention evergreen
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 20.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Moist evergreen forests and dense woodland at elevations from 1,250-2,200 metres.
A tropical plant.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses charcoal medicinal wood
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cola greenwayi unspecified picture


Cola greenwayi world distribution map, present in Kenya, Mozambique, Malawi, eSwatini, Tanzania, United Republic of, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000614431
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Cola greenwayi Cola greenwayi var. keniensis