Large herbs or small shrubs, terrestrial or epiphytic; stems to 1 m1 tall, 4-10 mm in diam., green to reddish, densely brown hirsute, glabrescent below. Leaves of a pair strongly unequal, the larger leaf in a pair oblanceolate, 20.4-21.6 cm long and 4.9-6.5 cm wide, the apex acuminate, attenuate and oblique at the base, entire, above dark green, glabrous, below red spotted toward apex, densely strigose, hairs brown to reddish, 4-7 celled, more numerous on the veins and redder at the margins of the leaf, also few 2-3 celled white addressed hairs; petioles 5-10 mm long; smaller leaves lanceolate, 2.0-4.1 cm long and 1.1-1.6 cm wide, long acuminate, entire, oblique at the base, green. Flowers solitary to several in each axil; bracts ovate, 2.0-3.2 cm long, serrate, acuminate, yellowish green to deep red, hirsute above and notably hirsute on the prominent veins below; pedicels to 3 mm long, coarsely sericeous; calyx lobes ovate, 2.2.-2.5 cm long, acuminate, serrate, serrations 5-10, green or deep red, coarsely sericeous; corollas yellow, tubular, ca. 2.5 cm long, ca. 5 mm in diam. above the base, becoming ca. 6 mm in diam. above, externally coarsely sericeous; lobes sub-regular, erect, to ca. 2 mm long; anthers included; ovary ovoid, appressed pilose, the style and the stigma not seen. Fruits ovoid, 1.4-1.7 cm long, 0.8-1.0 cm in diam. when immature, orange to yellow.