Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss.

Gesneriads (en)


Angiosperms > Lamiales


Perennial herbs, climbers, shrubs or small trees, terrestrial or epiphytic; roots sometimes tuberous or fibrous, or with scaly rhizomes. Leaves opposite or radical, rarely spirally alternate, simple, entire or toothed; stipules absent, but sometimes with a pair of leaves reduced and stipule-like. Inflorescence axillary, pair-flowered cymose, racemose or flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic, rarely actinomorphic, usually 5-merous, often large and showy. Calyx free or fused. Corolla tubular, often 2-lipped, sometimes basally spurred. Stamens 2 or 4 and paired, with one pair often longer than the other, rarely 5 and flowers actinomorphic, epipetalous, usually included; staminodes 1, 3 or absent; anthers in coherent pairs, 2-celled, opening by longitudinal slits or pores (not in Australia). Nectary usually present, adnate to base of ovary or free, annular, cupular and 1-sided or reduced to glands (not in Australia). Gynoecium of 2 fused carpels. Ovary superior (Australian species) to inferior, unilocular with parietal placentation; ovules many; style simple, stigma capitate or lobed. Fruit a loculicidal or septicidal capsule, sometimes both and 4-valved, or an indehiscent berry. Seeds numerous, minute, variously ribbed or striated or with hair-like appendages, little endosperm present.            
Herbs, shrubs, or rarely trees. Leaves opposite or rarely alternate, whorled or basal, rosette forming; exstipulate; usually simple, rarely shallowly to deeply lobed, pinnately or rarely palmately veined. Inflorescences usually cymes, rarely racemes, axillary, often near apex and appearing terminal; usually pedunculate. Flowers perfect, zygomorphic, seldom actinomorphic. Calyx actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic; usually (4 or)5-divided. Corolla gamopetalous, zygomorphic, rarely actinomorphic; usually 2-lipped. Fertile stamens 2 or 4, then often didynamous, rarely 5, epipetalous; anthers free or coherent, thecae 2, parallel, divergent, or divaricate; staminodes 1-3 or absent. Disc ringlike to cupular, rarely absent. Ovary superior in all Old World taxa [half inferior, or inferior], 1-loculed; gynophore seldom present; placentas (1 or)2, parietal, rarely 2-loculed, placenta 1 per locule and axile; ovules numerous, anatropous. Style 1; stigmas 1 or 2. Fruit usually capsular, loculicidal, septicidal, or circumscissile, rarely a berry, indehiscent. Seeds numerous, fusiform to ellipsoid or ovoid, minute, sometimes with appendages at 1 or both ends, with or without endosperm; embryo straight, cotyledons equal or unequal after germination.
Inflorescence generally of open axillary cymes, the flowers at each dichotomy being paired and opening serially; occasionally much congested and sub-capitate, or pseudoracemose
Flowers hermaphrodite (very rarely unisexual) often protandrous, usually zygomorphic, often large and showy, sometimes cleistogamous with reduced corolla
Corolla gamopetalous with distinct tube, often 2-lipped, proportion of lobes to tube variable; lobes imbricate, and adaxial pair often interior
Seeds numerous, small, more or less ellipsoid, sometimes tailed with hair-like appendages at either end; endosperm absent or very slight
Leaves opposite (rarely alternate), those of a pair equal or unequal; plants sometimes 1-foliate and the leaf cotyledonary in origin
Stamens rarely 5, usually 4 or 2, inserted on corolla-tube; anthers free or variously connate, 2-celled, opening lengthwise
Ovary superior, 1-celled with 2 parietal bilamellate placentas, occasionally 2-celled by their union centrally
Fruit a capsule (often linear, sometimes spirally twisted) or a more or less fleshy berry
Calyx tubular and 5-lobed or divided to the base or 3 upper lobes only united
Disk annular or cup-like, often lobed or undulate, rarely oblique
Acaulescent or caulescent herbs, or rarely shrubs
Ovules numerous
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-11


Includes some cultivated ornamentals, in particular Sinningia speciosa (Gloxinia) and Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia (synonym Saintpaulia) (African Violet) and their numerous cultivars which make colourful-flowered house plants. The family also includes medicinal plants (see Wiehler 1995).
Uses medicinal ornamental
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Gesneriaceae unspecified picture


Gesneriaceae world distribution map, present in Australia and China


WFO ID wfo-7000000247
COL ID 623G4
BDTFX ID 101109
INPN ID 187413
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Amalophyllon Anna Anodiscus Asteranthera Boea Briggsia Calcareoboea Chiritopsis Corytoplectus Cremersia Cubitanthus Damrongia Depanthus Dichrotrichum Epithema Isoloma Jerdonia Kohleria Ligeria Phinaea Platyadenia Ramonda Rechsteinera Saintpaulia Sinningia Smithicodonia Sphaerorrhiza Whytockia Christopheria Glabrella Lesia Tetraphylloides Chayamaritia Cathayanthe Dayaoshania Hypocyrta Kaisupeea Koellikeria Lampadaria Mandirola Metapetrocosmea Pearcea Primulina Pseudochirita Reldia Rhabdothamnopsis Rufodorsia Spelaeanthus Columnea Episcia Cyrtandra Raphiocarpus Seemannia Peltanthera Petrocodon Petrocosmea Tetraphyllum Besleria Coronanthera Billolivia Fieldia Emarhendia Monophyllaea Gloxiniopsis Boeica Chrysothemis Conradia Gloxinella Gloxina l'hér. Goyazia Hemiboea Hovanella Isometrum Jankaea Lembocarpus Loxostigma Lysionotus Nautilocalyx Neomortonia Opithandra Ortholoma Parakohleria Paralagarosolen Pentaraphia Rhytidophyllum Sepikea Thamnocharis Tremacron Pagothyra Pachycaulos Nomopyle Pheidonocarpa Achimenantha Allostigma Chirita Codonanthe Niphaea Gyrogyne Shuaria Middletonia Hexatheca Litostigma Senyumia Acanthonema Capanea Coptocheile Rechsteineria Drymonia Centrosolenia Didymocarpus Tylopsacas Championia Cremosperma Cremospermopsis Deinocheilos Didissandra Dircaea Dolicholoma Eucodonopsis Gasteranthus Gesneria Giesleria Gyrocheilos Haberlea Hippodamia Houttea Liebigia Locheria Microchirita Monopyle Oerstedina Ornithoboea Plectopoma Resia Sarmienta Smithiantha Streptocarpus Trachystigma Trichodrymonia Trisepalum Ancylostemon Bournea Cobananthus Conandron Corytholoma Heppiantha Heppiella Lagarosolen Trevirana Rhoogeton Ridleyandra Deinostigma Mitraria Glossoloma Oreocharis Vanhouttea Henckelia Alsobia Leptoboea Solenophora Rhynchotechum Paraboea Paliavana Rhynchoglossum Alloplectus Nematanthus Beccarinda Stauranthera Diastema Agalmyla Somrania Tribounia Eucodonia Loxocarpus Loxonia Moussonia Napeanthus Rhabdothamnus Titanotrichum Bellonia Briggsiopsis Aeschynanthus Negria Allocheilos Corallodiscus Paradrymonia Platystemma Chautemsia Dorcoceras Sanango Anetanthus Orchadocarpa Crantzia Didymostigma Achimenes Codonanthopsis Codonoboea