Suffrutescent herbs; stems shortly tomentose at the apex. Leaves of a pair subequal, oval elliptic, acute, obtuse at the base (?), serrulate, green, densely tomentose above, deep violet, villous pubescent beneath; petioles short. Flowers longer than the villous pedicels; calyx lobes lanceolate, ca. 13 mm long, long acuminate, incised dentate, pubescent tomentose; corolla red, zygomorphic, the tube ventricose but bent, ca. 4.0 cm long, ca. 4 mm in diam. above the base, becoming ca. 11 mm in diam., contracted at the throat to ca. 7 mm in diam., pubescent, the hairs yellowish brown or red, the lobes unequal, the posterior lobes connate, erect, ca. 12 mm long, emarginate at the apex, the lateral lobes long connate with the posterior ones, broad and obtuse, the anterior lobe lanceolate oblong, porrect; disc glands 5, the posterior pair connate; anthers exserted; ovary villous.