Plant densely caespitose; sheath parchment-like, yellowish becoming white, rough, persistent; bodies ovoid to cylindric, 12-20 x 6-10 x 6-10 mm, top rounded to slightly pointed; epidermis pale yellowish green, glabrous, slightly dull, covered with numerous, large, glassy warts, these sometimes coalescing to form a slightly windowed patch toward apex; fissure to 2 mm, not depressed, papillate. Flower appearing in early autumn, piercing its way through the sheath, diurnal, scentless; calyx-tube 6-10 mm, yellowish green, with 5, warted lobes; corolla-tube to 15 mm, whitish, becoming `dark purple' at the 20-35 petaloid staminodes, these rather lax in age, finally c. 15 mm, stamens in several series, the last projecting beyond the tube, anthers dull yellow; style whitish green, to 15 mm with 5-6, short branches. Capsule 4 x 3 x 3 mm, 5-6-locular, strongly pointed on top, yellowish brown; seeds numerous per locule, 0.5 mm, pale golden brown, minutely tuberculate.