Tree or shrub, the branches pubescent above.. Leaf-blades 9 cm. long, 6 cm. wide,obtuse at the apex, entire, coriaceous, rough above, densely pubescent beneath; petiole 1–3 cm. long.. Cymes few-flowered (‘cyma pauciflora, floribus ad apices ramorum 3–4...’) at apices of branchlets, very shortly pedunculate or sessile.. Calyx turbinate-tubular, 8 mm. long, 4–5-toothed, obsoletely 10-grooved, subtomentose outside.. Corolla-tube rather slender, 1 1/2 times (but also says ‘ist nur wenig langer’) as long as the calyx; ovate lobes reflexed downwards.. Stamens slightly exserted, the 1 mm. long anthers on 1 mm. long filaments.. Ovary ovate, 3 mm. long, acute, glabrous; style divided from the base the branches 7–9 mm. long, glabrous and split about halfway for a second time.