Shrubs, 20–30(–40) dm. Stems: ?expanding bud-scales orange-tan or paler?; twigs: new growth pubescent, 1-year old shiny red-brown, 2-years old red-brown with white flakes, older gray; thorns on twigs ?usually numerous?, ± straight to recurved, 2-years old shiny, very dark red-brown, ± stout, (3–)4–7 cm. Leaves: petiole length 30–45% blade, glabrous (adaxial sulcus hairy mature), densely sessile-glandular; blade ovate to ovate-trullate, 5.5–9.5 cm (flabellate, 2–3 cm at early anthesis), subcoriaceous, base cuneate to narrowly cuneate, lobes 4 or 5 per side, sinuses deep (max LII 25–35%), lobe apex acute to acuminate, margins ± serrate, ?teeth numerous, small?, veins 5 per side, apex acuminate, ?glossy?, abaxial surface glabrous, main veins sometimes sparsely to moderately pubescent young, adaxial densely scabrous young, glabrate mature. Inflorescences (1–)5–12-flowered, ?widely spread at full anthesis?; branches moderately pubescent; bracteoles ?cream to pale green, often suffused light red especially distally?, narrowly elliptic, membranous, margins densely sessile-glandular, ?appearing to grade into bud scales?. Flowers 15–18 mm diam.; hypanthium exterior pubescent, interior glabrous; sepals ?pale green to scarious?, triangular, 4–5 mm, margins glandular or glandular-denticulate, ?abaxially glabrous, adaxially sparsely hairy?; stamens 10, anthers ivory; styles 3 or 4. Pomes ?1–8 mm; branches pubescent, sometimes sparsely?; orange-red young, becoming orange-red to bright red, ellipsoid or oblong, 8–11 mm tall, pubescent; sepals spreading to ± appressed, ?3–4 mm?; pyrenes 3 or 4, ?sides plane to shallowly concave?.