Base of stipe not preserved; scales on distal part 3 mm long, very narrow, convex and clathrate at their bases; lamina to at least 50 cm long, thin; basal pinnae 18-20 cm long with 2 or 3 pairs of free and 2 or 3 pairs of adnate pinnules, the pin nules contiguous or imbricate; basal basiscopic pinnule 9 × 3.5 cm, bearing several pairs of most ly adnate tertiary leaflets, the largest ones 20 × 7 mm, deeply lobed, the lobes 6 pairs, lowest ones crenate, their costules 3 mm apart; basal acroscopic pinnule 5.4 × 2 cm bearing 4 pairs of adnate terti ary leaflets; pinnules of upper pinnae all deeply lobed; pinna-rachises covered on the lower surface by many short scales; upper surface of pinnules between veins bearing variable slender appressed glands; sori medial in pinnule-lobes; indusia small, thin, glanduliferous.