Stipe incomplete on all specimens seen, basal scales not known; scales on distal part and on rachis to 3 mm long, narrow, their margins inrolled above the widened base of isodiametric cells; lamina to 28 cm long, texture firm; pinnae well spaced, 3 or 4 pairs free and 2 or 3 pairs adnate; basal pinnae to 8.7 cm long bearing 1 pair of free and 1 pair of adnate pinnules; basal basiscopic pinnule 3.5 × 1.7 cm, distinctly longer than the next one, very deeply lobed at its base, the lobes entire, basal acroscopic pinnule 2.2 × 1.4 cm; second pair of pinnae 8 cm long with 2 pairs of adnate pinnules; veins in pinnules mostly simple, their distal parts not distinct on the lower surface; appressed red cylindric glands present on lower surface of costules of lobes and on veins; sori medial or inframedial on pinnule-lobes; indusia persistent, bearing red glands.