Stipe to 40 cm long, bearing throughout very narrow dark spreading scales, basal ones 12 mm long, gradually shorter distally; lamina to 55 cm long; pinnae closely placed, to 15 or more pairs, almost at right angles to the rachis; basal pinnae to 16 cm long, those on the largest fronds with a few pairs of free pinnules; basal basiscopic pinnule to c. 6 × 1.6 cm, lobed almost to its costa, costules to 5 mm apart, lobes entire; basal acroscopic pinnule 2 cm long, lobed near its base only; supra-basal pinnae sessile, acuminate, very deeply lobed, lobes mostly subentire and obtuse, of firm texture; lower surface of rachis and costae bearing scales like those of the stipe but more sparse, those on costae with many isodiametric cells in their inflexed basal part; upper surface of costae densely short-hairy, a few similar hairs also between veins; veins in pinna-lobes simple; sori medial on veins; indusia very small, bearing short slender glands.