Stipe to 63 cm long, very densely scaly throughout; basal scales to 15 × 1 mm, thin, medium brown, those above base gradually shorter but without change of colour, largest on upper part of stipe 8-9 mm long, very narrow, rather weakly spreading, almost flat, their bases a little widened with a few isodiametric cells; rachis-scales similar, on distal part 3-4 mm long; lamina to 70 cm long, texture very firm, opaque; free pinnae c. 12 pairs; basal pinnae to 28 cm long with 7 pairs of free or adnate pinnules, basal basiscopic pinnule to 10 × 3.5 cm, bearing 1 pair of free deeply lobed tertiary leaflets to 12 × 7 mm; largest acroscopic pinnule 7.5 × 2.3 cm, also with a free tertiary leaflet; middle pinnae bearing c. 6 pairs of deeply lobed pinnules, their lobes entire or the basal ones crenate; veins in pinnule-lobes mostly forked, only the pant below the fork visible on the lower surface; scales on lower surface of pinna-rachis flat except near the base, to 8 cells wide, cells all elongate except a few near the base, many short hairs also present, no glands on surface between veins; upper surface of pinna-rachis densely covered with short thick hairs and some scales; surface of pinnules between veins bearing a variable number of appressed glands; sori at forks of veins in pinnule-lobes; indusia small and very thin, bearing many slender glands.