Stipe more than 30 cm, dark at base, paler upwards, not spiny, scaly almost throughout; scales to 15 by 3 mm, dark with paler fragile edges. Pinnae to at least 40 cm long. Pinnules to 75 by 20 mm, almost sessile, caudate-acuminate, lobed almost to costa; costules 4-4.5 mm apart; veins 10 pairs; lamina-segments slightly crenate, sinuses narrow. Sori near costules; indusium very thin and fragile, breaking and mostly caducous; receptacle globular; paraphyses short, slender. Scales and hairs: pinna-rachis smooth and glabrescent beneath, not hairy; costal scales few, those near base flat, ovate, bearing a few setae on pale edges; costular scales broad, thin, pale, not bullate.