Cyathea Sm.

Treefern (en), Cyathée (fr), Fougère arborescente (fr)


Pteridophytes > Cyatheales > Cyatheaceae


Trunk always erect, short or tall. Scales present on lower (abaxial) and lateral surfaces of axes of frond, at least in early stages of growth, larger ones on stipe and rachis sometimes borne on spine-like outgrowths; hairs always on upper surfaces of all but smallest axes, antrorse, sometimes branched; hairs of various kinds sometimes on lower surfaces of axes and veins, rarely on lamina between veins. Pneumathodes present in a discontinuous line (or 2-3 lines close together) along each side of stipe and rachis, in subg. Cyathea converging downwards on each side of base of stipe and there often deeply excavated at maturity (Fig. 7Fig. 12). Fronds ± elliptical, lower pinnae always smaller than middle ones, sometimes gradually much reduced and then the stipe short; pinnae normally pinnate-bipinnatifid, in a few cases simple, in a few cases fully bipinnate; pinnules almost symmetrical at the base, many on each pinna subequal, distal ones more or less abruptly decreas-ing; upper surface of pinna-rachis and costa raised; veins simple or branched, lower ones usually once forked, sometimes pinnate where pinnule-segments are deeply lobed. Sori usually at the fork of a vein, or seated on a simple vein, a branch of the vein always entering the receptacle; indusium either attached all round base of receptacle and covering young sorus, opening to form a firm-edged cup or open-ing by irregular rupture, or attached on costular side of receptacle (hemitelioid) and of varying size, in some cases quite hidden by mature sorus, or lacking; receptacle erect, ± club-shaped to spherical; sporangia many, always short-stalked; paraphyses usually present as multicellular hairs, sometimes flat and several cells wide at base; in some species of subg. Sphaeropteris scales present round base of receptacle, more or less covering young sporangia; spores thin-walled, smooth or papillose.
Tree ferns; apical bud clothed in scales. Fronds usually large, usually more than 1.5 m long, 1–3-pinnate or pinnatifid, with an indumentum of scales and hairs; stipe thick, densely covered with ± caducous scales towards the base; veins simple or branched, free. Sori dorsal on veins or vein dichotomies; indusia present or absent; receptacle erect, somewhat club-shaped to spherical; filamentous paraphyses often present. [For more detailed description see Cyatheaceae description, from Bostock (1998).]
Characters as given above. As here treated includes Cyathea sens. strict. (indusium complete, covering sorus when young, persisting as a ± split cup surrounding sorus), Hemitelia R. Br. 1810 (indusium incomplete, not covering sorus when young, at most half surrounding sorus), Alsophila R. Br. 1810 (indusium absent). The family is likely to be again split up on different lines.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cyathea unspecified picture


Cyathea world distribution map, present in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000010177
BDTFX ID 98910
INPN ID 446447
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Cnemidopteris Eatoniopteris Gymnopremnon Trachypremnon Haplophlebia Trichipteris Cnemidaria Cormophyllum Disphenia Hemistegia Hymenophyllopsis Microstegnus Schizocaena Acanthea Actinophlebia Amphicosmia Hemitelia Cyathea

Lower taxons

Cyathea bella Cyathea x bernardii Cyathea dejecta Cyathea hymenophylloides Cyathea leucofolis Cyathea myriotricha Cyathea pilozana Cyathea trichomanoides Cyathea trinitensis Cyathea universitatis Cyathea brachyphylla Cyathea chamaedendron Cyathea croftii Cyathea ctenitoides Cyathea cumingii Cyathea epaleata Cyathea exilis Cyathea feeana Cyathea flexuosa Cyathea grata Cyathea iheringii Cyathea incognita Cyathea karsteniana Cyathea x lathamii Cyathea leprieurii Cyathea miersii Cyathea minuta Cyathea nothofagorum Cyathea polystichoides Cyathea sessilifolia Cyathea setchellii Cyathea srilankensis Cyathea dealbata Cyathea atrocastanea Cyathea hirsutissima Cyathea obtusa Cyathea abbreviata Cyathea alstonii Cyathea asplenioides Cyathea jurgensenii Cyathea praetermissa Cyathea serpens Cyathea alatissima Cyathea puberula Cyathea andina Cyathea parvula Cyathea macrosora Cyathea incana Cyathea pungens Cyathea nigripes Cyathea kalbreyeri Cyathea pilosissima Cyathea frigida Cyathea bipinnatifida Cyathea microdonta Cyathea vilhelmii Cyathea petiolata Cyathea divergens Cyathea pallescens Cyathea ruiziana Cyathea delgadii Cyathea dudleyi Cyathea costaricensis Cyathea thysanolepis Cyathea liesneri Cyathea neblinae Cyathea cyatheoides Cyathea gardneri Cyathea axillaris Cyathea barringtonii Cyathea cyclodium Cyathea demissa Cyathea dombeyi Cyathea pauciflora Cyathea rufa Cyathea tryonorum Cyathea nanna Cyathea weatherbyana Cyathea aspera Cyathea surinamensis Cyathea spectabilis Cyathea tenera Cyathea simulans Cyathea venezuelensis Cyathea horrida Cyathea dissimilis Cyathea simplex Cyathea steyermarkii Cyathea villosa Cyathea albomarginata Cyathea nodulifera Cyathea darienensis Cyathea mucilagina Cyathea atrovirens Cyathea dichromatolepis Cyathea lasiosora Cyathea phalerata Cyathea aquilina Cyathea acutidens Cyathea glaziovii Cyathea guentheriana Cyathea aemula Cyathea ars Cyathea cystolepis Cyathea chiricana Cyathea falcata Cyathea impar Cyathea notabilis Cyathea pseudonanna Cyathea pinnula Cyathea dyeri Cyathea rojasiana Cyathea grandifolia Cyathea estelae Cyathea armata Cyathea ewanii Cyathea aterrima Cyathea poeppigii Cyathea latevagans Cyathea multiflora Cyathea tuerckheimii Cyathea schiedeana Cyathea myosuroides Cyathea valdecrenata Cyathea atahuallpa Cyathea praeceps Cyathea ursina Cyathea macrocarpa Cyathea squamulosa Cyathea tortuosa Cyathea brunnescens Cyathea herzogii Cyathea conjugata Cyathea wendlandii Cyathea gracilis Cyathea stolzei Cyathea assurgens Cyathea decorata Cyathea peladensis Cyathea corallifera Cyathea straminea Cyathea parvifolia Cyathea choricarpa Cyathea mutica Cyathea conformis Cyathea austroamericana Cyathea nesiotica Cyathea azuayensis Cyathea apiculata Cyathea aristata Cyathea hirsuta Cyathea catacampta Cyathea copelandii Cyathea leucolepismata Cyathea squamipes Cyathea pendula Cyathea conquisita Cyathea concinna Cyathea nigrescens Cyathea jamaicensis Cyathea dissoluta Cyathea harrisii Cyathea x sessilifolia Cyathea sherringii Cyathea lewisii Cyathea subindusiata Cyathea palaciosii Cyathea hodgeana Cyathea speciosa Cyathea bipinnata Cyathea hemiepiphytica Cyathea polypodioides Cyathea boconensis Cyathea haughtii Cyathea concordia Cyathea grayumii Cyathea christii Cyathea rumphiana Cyathea punctata Cyathea lindeniana Cyathea howeana Cyathea squarrosa Cyathea calolepis Cyathea zongoensis Cyathea xenoxyla Cyathea arnecornelii Cyathea carolihenrici Cyathea windischiana Cyathea squamata Cyathea godmanii Cyathea bettinae Cyathea akawaiorum Cyathea gibbosa Cyathea traillii Cyathea povedae Cyathea corcovadensis Cyathea brucei Cyathea moranii Cyathea sylvatica Cyathea praecincta Cyathea nephele Cyathea austropallescens Cyathea andicola Cyathea chontilla Cyathea uleana Cyathea nervosa Cyathea cervantesiana Cyathea x moralesiana Cyathea x smithiana Cyathea retanae Cyathea lindigii Cyathea brunonis Cyathea coursii Cyathea alata Cyathea tenuis Cyathea heterochlamydea Cyathea biliranensis Cyathea vitiensis Cyathea convergens Cyathea robertsiana Cyathea borinquena Cyathea x stella-matutina Cyathea calamitatis Cyathea diabolica Cyathea margarita Cyathea thelypteroides Cyathea antioquensis Cyathea longipetiolulata Cyathea abrapatriciana Cyathea chimaera Cyathea oreopteroides Cyathea affinis Cyathea singularis Cyathea varians Cyathea flava Cyathea sunduei Cyathea amabilis Cyathea chocoensis Cyathea cnemidaria Cyathea cocleana Cyathea stolzeana Cyathea suprapilosa Cyathea platylepis Cyathea suprastrigosa Cyathea wilsonii Cyathea dintelmannii Cyathea decomposita Cyathea subincisa Cyathea fulva Cyathea caracasana Cyathea lechleri Cyathea vaupensis Cyathea glandulifera Cyathea roraimensis Cyathea marginalis Cyathea schlimii Cyathea williamsii Cyathea phalaenolepis Cyathea chimborazensis Cyathea ameristoneura Cyathea holdrigeana Cyathea microphyllodes Cyathea strigillosa Cyathea sledgei Cyathea werffii Cyathea planadae Cyathea eggersii Cyathea x wilsonii Cyathea costalis Cyathea bicrenata Cyathea obnoxia Cyathea plicata Cyathea paucifolia Cyathea scabra Cyathea tepuiana Cyathea elliottii Cyathea grantii Cyathea jacobsii Cyathea whitmeei Cyathea cruciata Cyathea consimilis Cyathea polliculi Cyathea microphylla Cyathea multisegmenta Cyathea ebenina Cyathea arborea