Stipe short, warty or short-spiny; pneumathodes in 2-3 irregular rows; scales dark, shining, with narrow (often abraded) paler fragile edges. Lower pinnae gradually reduced; longest to 60 cm long. Pinnules commonly to 100 by 18 mm, exceptionally to 120 by 23 mm, sessile, strongly acuminate, lowest segment often free, on largest pinnules 2-3 pairs segments constricted on acroscopic base, decurrent basiscopically, most pinnules lobed almost to costa throughout with narrow sinuses between segments; costules 3.5-4 mm apart; veins commonly 10-11 pairs, on largest pinnules to 14 pairs; lamina-segments firm, crenate, basal free ones sometimes deeply so. Sori near costules; indusium firm, brown, overarching costular side of sorus at maturity, its edge firm, open on side remote from costule; receptacle rather tall, slightly swollen; paraphyses short. Scales and hairs: lower surface of pinna-rachis finely warty, glabrescent or bearing very small irregular short-fringed pale brown scales and sometimes sparse crisped hairs; lower surface of costae usually with numerous very small irregular short-fringed scales and sometimes also short crisped hairs, larger scales usually all deciduous, residual ones flat, dull brown, with setiform apex and sometimes 1-2 other setae; costules of fertile segments usually without scales, on sterile ones a few ovate thin convex or just bullate scales.