Tree up to about 10 m. high, with flaking grey-brown bark; young branchlets glabrous.. Leaves: stipules very small and very soon falling away; petiole 1–3 mm. long, puberulous above; rhachis 0.5–2 cm. long, channelled above; leaflets 4, with petiolules 0.5–1 mm. long below the proximal side of the leaflet-base, ± coriaceous, obovate or obovate-elliptic, 1.1–10.5 cm. long, 0.8–6.5 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse but not gradually tapering at apex, glabrous.. Panicles axillary or falsely terminal, 2.5–7 cm. long; axes very minutely and inconspicuously puberulous (actual hairs only visible with a magnification of at least × 20); pedicels 7–12 mm. long, glabrous, jointed at top below flower.. Flowers white, sweetly scented.. Sepals 4, 4.5 mm. long.. Petals 4–5, obovate-oblanceolate, 5.5–6 mm. long.. Immature pods ± 5.7 cm. long and 2.8 cm. wide, on a stipe ± 1 cm. long, and with an apical beak ± 0.5 cm. long.