Cynometra L.

Cynometra (en)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Trees or shrubs. Buds small, with numerous brown scales in two ranks. New leaves developing in bright pink tassels. Stipules caducous immediately after unfolding of the bud, leaving hardly any scar. Leaves simply pinnate, l-3(-6)-jugate, rarely unifoliolate or seemingly simple. Leaflets opposite, asymmetric, entire and mostly glabrous; petiolules usually very short. Inflorescences axillary, paniculate, racemose, or spike-like, solitary, sometimes 2 per axil, rarely cauliflorous and fasciculate, mostly spherical in outline, sometimes elongated, sessile, densely flowered; bracts scale-like, mostly persistent, appressed-hairy, often glabrescent; bracteoles caducous. Flowers bisexual. Hypanthium usually shortly campanulate, circumscissile under the ripe fruit and then falling off, sometimes obscure or absent. Sepals 4 (or 5), imbricate, reflexed at anthesis. Petals 5 (or 4), narrow, free, glabrous. Disk absent. Stamens (8 — )10( — 15); filaments free, rarely united at the base, usually glabrous; anthers medi-dorsifix, lengthwise dehiscent, in-trorse, usually sagittate below and apiculate at the apex. Ovary usually stipitate and pubescent, 1-4-ovuled (1-, rarely 2-ovuled in Indo-Malesian species). Fruits usually thickened, indehiscent, often flattened especially when young, smooth or rugose, sometimes warty, l(-4)-seeded. Seeds exalbuminous.
Unarmed, normally evergreen trees. Leaves simply pinnate; leaflets nearly always opposite, in one to many pairs, without gland-dots. Inflorescence paniculate or (in East Africa ? only in 4, C. brachyrrhachis and 12, C. filifera) simply racemose. Flowers hermaphrodite, spirally arranged along the inflorescence-axes; pedicels (in the Flora area, not necessarily elsewhere) jointed at apex and persistent after the flowers have fallen; bracteoles small, not enclosing the flower-buds. Sepals 4(–5), imbricate, glabrous inside, or with a few hairs near centre. Petals (4–)5, equal or nearly so. Stamens (8–)10(–12); filaments glabrous, free or almost so; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary ± stipitate, ± pubescent or tomentose; ovules 1–4; style elongate; stigma minute. Pods either flattened, woody, and dehiscing elastically into 2 valves which are smooth or nearly so outside, or (typically for the genus, but not in indigenous species) indehiscent, thickened, and tubercled outside. Seeds 1–2(–4), with a very short funicle, thin-walled, exareolate.
Unarmed, usually evergreen trees. Leaves usually simply pinnate, rarely unifoliolate; stipules caducous; leaflets nearly always opposite, in 1–many pairs, asymmetric, without gland dots. Inflorescence paniculate or simply racemose. Flowers bisexual, spirally arranged along the inflorescence axes; bracteoles small, not enclosing the flower buds. Sepals usually 4, imbricate. Petals usually 5, equal or nearly so. Stamens usually 10; filaments free or almost so; anthers dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary ± stipitate, 1–4-ovulate; style elongate, central, excentric or occasionally attached to wall of receptacle; stigma minute. Fruits either thickened and indehiscent or flattened, woody and dehiscing elastically into 2 smooth valves. Seeds usually 1 or 2, with a very short funicle, thin-walled. See also Cooper (2015: 394).
Unarmed forest trees. Leaves evenly pinnate; leaflets a single pair (in Ameri-can species), oblique, subcoriaceous, eglandular. Inflorescence racemose to fascicu-late, axillary. Flowers small; calyx essentially polysepalous, the 3-5 lobes reflexed from a small, central, disc-like receptacle and often caducous, imbricate in. bud; petals 5, subequal to somewhat unequal, inserted with the stamens upon the recep-tacle; stamens 10, free, the filaments glabrous; anthers small; ovary sessile to short-stipitate, mostly free, 1-to 2-ovulate; style filiform; stigma terminal, truncate or capitate. Legume rather small, usually oblique or curved, coriaceous, swollen; seeds arillate.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Often in damp habitats such as river banks and mangrove swamps.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


UsesThe timber of Cynometra species is not or moderately durable and, consequently, only suitable for interior construction, unless treated with preservative. Several species are treated in Soerianegara et al. Soerianegara & Lemmens PI. Res. SE Asia (PROSEA Handb.) 5 (1), Major commercial timbers 1993 1512-155.
Uses timber
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cynometra unspecified picture


Cynometra world distribution map, present in Australia, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000010422
INPN ID 445536
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Cynometra Iripa

Lower taxons

Cynometra gillmanii Cynometra webberi Cynometra duckei Cynometra portoricensis Cynometra retusa Cynometra cuneata Cynometra parvifolia Cynometra lukei Cynometra craibii Cynometra glomerulata Cynometra beddomei Cynometra brachymischa Cynometra copelandii Cynometra elmeri Cynometra katikii Cynometra minutiflora Cynometra mirabilis Cynometra novoguineensis Cynometra simplicifolia Cynometra warburgii Cynometra polyandra Cynometra congensis Cynometra trinitensis Cynometra alexandri Cynometra ananta Cynometra brachyrrhachis Cynometra engleri Cynometra filifera Cynometra greenwayi Cynometra hankei Cynometra leonensis Cynometra longipedicellata Cynometra lujae Cynometra mannii Cynometra megalophylla Cynometra michelsonii Cynometra nyangensis Cynometra oddonii Cynometra palustris Cynometra pedicellata Cynometra sanagaensis Cynometra schlechteri Cynometra suaheliensis Cynometra ulugurensis Cynometra vogelii Cynometra schottiana Cynometra americana Cynometra cubensis Cynometra hostmanniana Cynometra bauhiniifolia Cynometra crassifolia Cynometra iripa Cynometra insularis Cynometra inaequifolia Cynometra abrahamii Cynometra ankaranensis Cynometra aurita Cynometra capuronii Cynometra commersoniana Cynometra dauphinensis Cynometra lyallii Cynometra madagascariensis Cynometra madagascariensis Cynometra pervilleana Cynometra sakalava Cynometra bourdillonii Cynometra travancorica Cynometra zeylanica Cynometra sphaerocarpa Cynometra dongnaiensis Cynometra ramiflora Cynometra malaccensis Cynometra hostmanii Cynometra cauliflora Cynometra longicuspis Cynometra longifolia Cynometra marginata Cynometra hemitomophylla Cynometra fissicuspis Cynometra humboldtiana Cynometra falcata Cynometra sessiliflora Cynometra hemitomophylla Cynometra macrocarpa Cynometra floretii Cynometra mayottensis Cynometra basifoliola Cynometra brassii Cynometra browneoides Cynometra cebuensis Cynometra cerebriformis Cynometra cynometroides Cynometra dwyeri Cynometra fortuna-tironis Cynometra mariettae Cynometra megalocephala Cynometra minor Cynometra plurijuga Cynometra psilogyne Cynometra rosea Cynometra roseiflora Cynometra schefferi Cynometra steenisii Cynometra steyermarkii Cynometra tumbesiana Cynometra vestita Cynometra vitiensis Cynometra lenticellata Cynometra hondurensis Cynometra longifolia Cynometra marleneae Cynometra oaxacana Cynometra letestui Cynometra stenopetala