Basal leaves 2, semi-erect, 8–11 × 1.2–2.3 cm, narrowly elliptic, dark glossy-green; peduncle leaves 2–4, sheath-like, up to 13 mm long.
Lip 10 × 12 mm, wedge-shaped, 3-lobed with the mid-lobe reduced to a small point. Side lobes 5–8 mm long and wide, rounded.
Dorsal sepal 3.5–5 × 2.3 mm, ovate, very convex; lateral sepals 4 × 2.5–3 mm, obliquely ovate.
Spur 7–8 mm long, parallel to the ovary, swollen to 2 mm in diameter at apex.
Petals similar to lateral sepals, forming a hood with the dorsal sepal.
Sepals green, petals magenta, lip bright magenta-pink.
Anther loculi 1.2 mm high, staminodes very short.
Terrestrial or epiphytic herb 11–15 cm tall.
Tubers 2, c. 1 cm long, ovoid.
Peduncle glabrous.