Column short and broad; androclinium erect or sloping; anther loculi parallel, the canals short or long and slender; viscidia 2, rarely 1, auricles distinct; stigmatic processes oblong, papillose, usually joined to the lobes of the rostellum.
Sepals free or slightly adnate to the lip, the dorsal often forming a hood with the petals, the lateral sepals spreading.
Capsules oblong or fusiform, often ripe at the base of an inflorescence which is still flowering at the apex.
Flowers few to many in a terminal raceme, usually resupinate, pink, mauve or purple, occasionally white.
Side lobes of rostellum usually elongated; mid-lobe often large, projecting forwards.
Terrestrial, or occasionally epiphytic, herb with fleshy or tuberous roots.
Leaves 1 to several, radical, with a few sheath-like and cauline.
Stem, ovary and calyx often with glandular hairs.
Lip entire or 3–5-lobed, spurred at the base.