Slender climber to 1.8 m., with glabrous ribbed stems; tendrils very slender.. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets small, elliptic to elliptic-ovate, 0.8–2.5 cm. long, 0.4–1.5 cm. wide, ± acute at the apex, rounded to subcordate at the base, serrate, the serrations apiculate, glabrous; petioles 1–2.5 cm. long; petiolules 0.5–4 mm. long, ciliate on wings; stipules falcate, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide.. Inflorescences very graceful, 3.5 cm. wide; peduncles ± 1.5 cm. long; pedicels 3–5 mm. long, glabrous but with subsessile glands near base.. Buds oblong, 1.7 mm. long, hardly constricted, glabrous.. Calyx 0.6 mm. wide, glabrous.. Petals 1.8 mm. long.. Immature fruit ellipsoid, ± 5 mm. long, glabrous.