Cyphostemma (Planch.) Alston


Angiosperms > Vitales > Vitaceae


Erect, prostrate or climbing perennial herbs, lianes or sometimes with succulent trunks bearing erect or climbing stems; often glandular; rootstocks often tuberous or massively woody; tendrils opposite the leaves or absent; rhaphides often present Leaves mostly digitately 3–9-foliolate or occasionally simple, entire or lobed or in very few (but sometimes very common) species pedately 5-foliolate, petiolate or less often sessile; leaflets usually toothed; stipules present, sometimes very well developed. Flowers hermaphrodite or rarely unisexual, 4-merous, arranged in leaf-opposed or axillary corymbs of cymes; buds ± cylindric or flask-shaped, rounded and often inflated at the apex, ± constricted at or near the middle. Calyx entire or 4-lobed. Petals hooded at the apex, becoming deflexed, very deciduous. Disk of 4 rather fleshy conical often truncate glands, ± free from each other but adnate to the ovary which is often almost entirely included. Ovary with 2 incompletely separated locules, each with 2 ovules; style cylindric or cylindric-conic; stigma minutely bifid or subentire and minutely subcapitate. Fruits usually 1-seeded. Seeds ovoid or ellipsoid, usually pointed at one end, with dorsal and ventral crests together with radial crests, rugae, etc.(see fig. 12 for scheme used to describe these); the surface of the seed smooth or variously rugose.
Leaves digitately 3–9-foliolate or rarely simple and entire or lobed, very rarely pedate, margins variously toothed; stipules present.
Seed usually 1, usually with a distinct dorsal crest or crests and often ± rugose.– Corolla puberulous or pubescent and glandular21.
Flower-bud ± cylindric or lageniform, apex rounded and often ± inflated, ± constricted at or near the middle.
Disk of 4 rather fleshy truncate or conical glands, ± free from each other but ± adnate to the ovary.
Erect, prostrate or climbing perennial herbs or shrubs; tendrils opposite the leaves or absent.
Style simple, subulate; stigma minutely 2-fid, or subentire and minutely sub-capitate.
Anthers usually with ± straight filaments not bending noticeably over the gynoecium.
Petals cucullate at the apex, becoming deflexed after anthesis, very caducous.
Inflorescences of leaf-opposed or axillary corymbose cymes.
Calyx entire or ± 4-toothed.
Flowers 4-merous.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 60
Germination temperacture (C°) 21
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cyphostemma unspecified picture


WFO ID wfo-4000010474
INPN ID 806934
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Malacoxylum Cyphostemma

Lower taxons

Cyphostemma dasycarpum Cyphostemma marojejyense Cyphostemma abercornense Cyphostemma adamii Cyphostemma adenocarpum Cyphostemma adenopodum Cyphostemma alnifolium Cyphostemma amplexicaule Cyphostemma amplexum Cyphostemma ankirihitrense Cyphostemma auriculatum Cyphostemma bainesii Cyphostemma bambuseti Cyphostemma barbosae Cyphostemma betiforme Cyphostemma bidgoodiae Cyphostemma biternatum Cyphostemma boranense Cyphostemma bororense Cyphostemma braunii Cyphostemma bullatum Cyphostemma burgeri Cyphostemma cabui Cyphostemma camerounense Cyphostemma cirrhosum Cyphostemma cornus-africani Cyphostemma cristigerum Cyphostemma crotalarioides Cyphostemma cryptoglandulosum Cyphostemma cymosum Cyphostemma dasypleurum Cyphostemma delphinense Cyphostemma dembianense Cyphostemma descoingsii Cyphostemma desenfansii Cyphostemma duparquettii Cyphostemma echinocarpa Cyphostemma elephantopus Cyphostemma eminii Cyphostemma flavicans Cyphostemma flaviflorum Cyphostemma fugosioides Cyphostemma gigantophyllum Cyphostemma gilletii Cyphostemma glandulosissimum Cyphostemma gracillimum Cyphostemma grahamii Cyphostemma grandistipulatum Cyphostemma graniticum Cyphostemma greenwayi Cyphostemma greveanum Cyphostemma griseorubrum Cyphostemma hardyi Cyphostemma haumanii Cyphostemma hereroense Cyphostemma heterotrichum Cyphostemma hildebrandtii Cyphostemma hispidiflorum Cyphostemma homblei Cyphostemma johannis Cyphostemma junceum Cyphostemma juttae Cyphostemma kaniamae Cyphostemma kapiriense Cyphostemma kibweziense Cyphostemma kilimandscharicum Cyphostemma kirkianum Cyphostemma lageniflorum Cyphostemma lanigerum Cyphostemma leandrii Cyphostemma ledermannii Cyphostemma lelyi Cyphostemma libenii Cyphostemma lovemorei Cyphostemma luteum Cyphostemma lynesii Cyphostemma manambovense Cyphostemma manikense Cyphostemma mannii Cyphostemma mappia Cyphostemma maranguense Cyphostemma marlothii Cyphostemma masukuense Cyphostemma megabotrys Cyphostemma meyeri-johannis Cyphostemma michelii Cyphostemma micradenium Cyphostemma microdipterum Cyphostemma mildbraedii Cyphostemma molle Cyphostemma muhuluense Cyphostemma nanellum Cyphostemma nigroglandulosum Cyphostemma niveum Cyphostemma njegerre Cyphostemma obovato-oblongum Cyphostemma odontadenium Cyphostemma oleraceum Cyphostemma omburense Cyphostemma ornatum Cyphostemma ouakense Cyphostemma overlaetii Cyphostemma oxyphyllum Cyphostemma pachyanthum Cyphostemma pachypus Cyphostemma pannosum Cyphostemma passargei Cyphostemma paucidentatum Cyphostemma pendulum Cyphostemma perforatum Cyphostemma pobeguinianum Cyphostemma princeae Cyphostemma pruriens Cyphostemma pseudoburgeri Cyphostemma pseudonjegerre Cyphostemma pseudorhodesiae Cyphostemma pseudosesquipedale Cyphostemma pseudoupembaense Cyphostemma puberulum Cyphostemma pumilum Cyphostemma quinatum Cyphostemma rhodesiae Cyphostemma richardsiae Cyphostemma rivae Cyphostemma robsonii Cyphostemma ruacanense Cyphostemma rubroglandulosum Cyphostemma rubromarginatum Cyphostemma rubrosetosum Cyphostemma rupicola Cyphostemma sakalavense Cyphostemma sanctuarium-selousii Cyphostemma sarcospathulum Cyphostemma saxicola Cyphostemma schimperi Cyphostemma schlechteri Cyphostemma schliebenii Cyphostemma seitzianum Cyphostemma stefanianum Cyphostemma stenolobum Cyphostemma trachyphyllum Cyphostemma violaceoglandulosum Cyphostemma viscosum Cyphostemma vogelii Cyphostemma vollesenii Cyphostemma waterlotii Cyphostemma woodii Cyphostemma zanzibaricum Cyphostemma zechianum Cyphostemma zimmermannii Cyphostemma zombense Cyphostemma ankaranense Cyphostemma caerulans Cyphostemma comorense Cyphostemma labatii Cyphostemma mandrakense Cyphostemma villosicaule Cyphostemma anatomicum Cyphostemma chrysadenium Cyphostemma currorii Cyphostemma horombense Cyphostemma huillense Cyphostemma humile Cyphostemma hypoleucum Cyphostemma jiguu Cyphostemma letouzeyanum Cyphostemma leucorufescens Cyphostemma milleri Cyphostemma montagnacii Cyphostemma montanum Cyphostemma natalitium Cyphostemma robynsii Cyphostemma roseiglandulosum Cyphostemma rotundistipulatum Cyphostemma rutilans Cyphostemma segmentatum Cyphostemma sessilifolium Cyphostemma setosum Cyphostemma shinyangense Cyphostemma simplicifolium Cyphostemma simulans Cyphostemma spinosopilosum Cyphostemma stegosaurus Cyphostemma stipulaceum Cyphostemma subciliatum Cyphostemma sulcatum Cyphostemma taborense Cyphostemma ternatum Cyphostemma thomasii Cyphostemma tisserantii Cyphostemma tsaratananense Cyphostemma uwanda Cyphostemma vandenbergheae Cyphostemma vandenbrandeanum Cyphostemma vanderbenii Cyphostemma vanmeelii Cyphostemma vezense Cyphostemma roseiglandulosa Cyphostemma pumila Cyphostemma dembianensis Cyphostemma glanduloso-pilosum Cyphostemma darainense Cyphostemma allophylloides Cyphostemma cornigera Cyphostemma kiwakishiense Cyphostemma knittelii Cyphostemma kundelunguense Cyphostemma trilobatum Cyphostemma wittei Cyphostemma brieyi Cyphostemma buchananii Cyphostemma digitatum Cyphostemma keilii Cyphostemma sokodense Cyphostemma strigosum Cyphostemma tenuissimum Cyphostemma ukerewense Cyphostemma urophyllum Cyphostemma uter Cyphostemma adenanthum Cyphostemma chloroleucum Cyphostemma congestum Cyphostemma crassiusculum Cyphostemma laza Cyphostemma macrocarpum Cyphostemma crinitum Cyphostemma crithmifolium Cyphostemma cuneatum Cyphostemma curvipodum Cyphostemma degraeri Cyphostemma elisabethvilleanum Cyphostemma erythrocephalum Cyphostemma feddeanum Cyphostemma fragariifolium Cyphostemma lentianum Cyphostemma leucotrichum Cyphostemma mendesii Cyphostemma adenocaule Cyphostemma serpens Cyphostemma cyphopetalum