Plants epiphytic or epilithic, 150 to 400 mm tall; stems 5-10 mm in diameter, covered in persistent leaf bases; leaves strap-shaped, conduplicate basally, unequally bilobed, lobes rounded, pale green, 100-160 x 20-30 mm. Inflorescences 1-3, axillary, usually longer than the leaves, arching, with up to 15 flowers, pendulous; bracts broadly ovate, deeply concave, obtuse, papyraceous, to 12 mm long. Flowers white; sweetly scented at night. Sepals subequal, narrowly lanceolate, finely acute, recurved, fleshy, 20-30 x 5-7 mm; median sepal slightly wider than lateral sepals. Petals slightly smaller than sepals. Lip like petals; spur curved, usually apically hooked, tapering from a broad entrance to an acute apex, 25-40 mm long. Gynostemium stout, 2 mm tall, rostellum 4 mm long.