Tree, c. 18 m, slightly buttressed. Branchlets c. 4 mm thick, ferrugineous-tomentose at the extreme tips, pith without vascular strands. Leaves 2-jugate, glabrous. Petioles 3-4.5 cm, flattened at the base, pith with some vascular strands. Leaflets ovate-oblong, 7½-11 by 3.5-6 cm; base rounded, shortly contracted at the ultimate base; apex gradually narrowed into a rather broad acumen; nerves 10-12 pairs (angle from 75° at the base to 45° in the apex), curved, only the apical ones arching. Inflorescences and flowers unknown. Infructescences axillary, together pseudoterminal, 3-6 cm, with 1-4 fruits; peduncle 1/2-1 cm. Fruits ellipsoid, 16-18 by 9-11 mm, stigmatic scar nearly apical, base rounded, apex broadly acute. Cotyledons contortuplicate (?), palmate.