Tree ? Branchlets c. 1 cm thick, lenticellate, puberulous at the tip; pith with many vascular strands. Leaves 3-4-jugate. Petioles (4½-)7½-10 cm, strongly flattened at the base, densely pubescent, pith with many vascular strands. Leaflets ovate, 5-12.5 by 3-6.5 cm, coriaceous, glabrous; base rounded to subcordate; apex rather abruptly, shortly, and bluntly acuminate; nerves 10-13 pairs (angle 80-85°), straight, apical ones arching; intermediate veins distinctly developed. Inflorescences and flowers unknown. Infructescences axillary, together pseudoterminal, stout, 7.5-10 cm, hardly branched, pubescent. Fruits: only sterile ones known.