Standard c.10 mm long, reflexed-patent, obovate, emarginate, claw c.2.5 mm long; wings as long as the standard, arcuate, obtuse, auricle acute, claw 3 mm long; keel petals shorter than the wings, dorsally slightly connate, auricle acute, claw 3–3.5 mm long.
Inflorescence an axillary panicle up to 3.5 cm long, minutely fulvous-pubescent; bracts caducous; bracteoles c.1 mm long, present at anthesis.
Branchlets with rather sparse glandular-verrucose hairs, glabrescent, and ± densely lenticellate, lenticels greyish, oblong.
Calyx 4 mm long, thinly subsericeous; upper teeth shallow-lobed, obtuse, the others 1 mm long, acute.
Ovary 2-ovulate, glabrous; style 2 mm long; stipe c.3 mm long.
Flowers white, c.11 mm long; pedicels 1.5–2.5 mm long.
Young parts minutely fulvous-pubescent, glabrescent.
Stamens in 2 bundles of 5.
Climbing shrub.
Pod unknown.