Shrub or small tree. Leaves 1-foliolate, the leaflets ovate or oblong, or oblong-rotund, 2.5-14 cm. long, 2-8 cm. wide, obtuse or obcordate at the apex, coriaceous, lustrous, puberulent, the costa often plane below, the margins somewhat irregular, moderately revolute; petioles and petiolules 0.3-1 cm. long, slender; stipules ovate or widely subulate, up to 0.2 cm. long. Inflorescences congested in the axils, the slender rachises up to 2 cm. long, densely ferruginous-puberulent, the pedicels 1-3 mm. long; bracts rotund, ovate or reniform, 1-1.5 mm. long. Flowers with the hypanthium about 4 mm. long, aurous-puberulent, the teeth submammiform to deltoid, up to 1 mm. long, the carinal tooth usually narrower and longer; petals glabrous; vexillum suborbicular, up to 9 mm. long, the claw about 3 mm. long; wing petals oblong, up to 9.5 mm. long, obtuse, the claw about 3.3 mm. long; carinal petals gibbous, oblong-rotund, 6-7 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide; stamens monadelphous or in 2 fascicles of 5, the sheath 3-5 mm. long, the filaments up to 2 mm. long; ovary stipitate for 2-2.5 mm., moderately aurous-puberulent, the style about 1.7 mm. long. Fruits with the stipe about 0.3 cm. long, oblong-rotund to narrowly oblong, 1.2-3.5 cm. long, up to 2.3 cm. wide, obtuse at the apex, obtuse to cuneate at the base, rarely constricted medially; seeds flat, oblong, up to 1.5 cm. long.
A shrub, up to 20 ft. or more high, with dark purple branchlets
Small crowded panicles of fragrant white flowers