Annual. Stems slender, erect, almost glabrous to more or less hispid, (2-)20-30 cm. Leaves with slender petioles, bi-pinnate, ultimate segments ovate, incised, minutely mucronulate. Compound umbels irregular, very loose, sessile, those at the apex of the stems seemingly peduncled; involucral bracts 2-3, pinnatisect; rays 2-5, very unequal, the longest ones in fruit longer than the involucre; bracts of the involucels unequal, short, usually entire; pedicels very unequal, longer than the fruit (but central flower often sessile or almost so). Fruit slightly compressed, ovoid or ellipsoid, 4-5 mm long; carpophore subulate, somewhat incrassate at the base; primary ribs with fine bristles, secondary ribs with strong bristles glochidiate at the top.
Erect, usually hispid, annual or biennial up to 30-(60) cm high. Basal lvs 2-3-pinnate; ultimate segments ovate, pinnatisect into linear lobes; stem lvs similar but reduced. Umbels simple or compound, irregular; rays 1-7-(9); bracts (0)-2-5, linear or pinnatisect; bracteoles 0-5, simple, linear. Fls 1-8-(10), white or tinged red, c. 1 mm diam. Fr. ellipsoid, dark brown, 3-5 mm long; primary ribs sparsely to moderately ciliate; secondary ribs spinous; spines capped at tips.
A slender herb. It is an annual with many branches. It grows 5-15 cm high. The roots are dark coloured. The leaves are 3-6 cm long and finely divided like a carrot leaf, but much smaller. The leaves are hairy and scattered up the stem. The flowers are crimson. They are very small and 1.5 mm across. They are clustered in groups of 1-6. The fruit are spiny. They are in clusters and are 3-5 mm long.