Shrub or low tree, apparently gynodioecious. Leaves spirally arranged, shortly petioled. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, in the form of short spikes or spikelike racemes (the axis ending with a sterile flower respectively with a subtending bract). Flowers sessile. Bracteoles 2, strictly opposite. Sepals 5, imbricate. Corolla tube subcylindric, exceeding the sepals, subdensely hairy in the upper 2/3 inside, lobes imbricate in bud and remaining so in anthesis, attaining c. 1/3 of the total length of the corolla, hairy at the base inside, otherwise glabrous. Stamens attached below the corolla lobes; filaments very short; anthers pendent, narrow-ellipsoid, hardly exserted from the corolla tube. Hypogynous disk deeply 5-lobed. Ovary 10-celled, with 1 ovule per cell; style columnar, short; stigma subcapitate. Fruit (as in Trochocarpa) baccate; mesocarp rather thick and pulpy, penetrating between the separated 10 pyrenes of the endocarp at full maturity.