Flowers in small axillary 4–10(20)-flowered clusters on reduced side branches or swollen or elongated nodes of the inflorescence rhachis, often appearing when the plant is quite leafless; bracteoles foliaceous (sometimes large outside the Flora Zambesiaca area), deciduous.
Ovary linear, c. 9–16-ovuled; style consisting of two parts, an apical, thickened, strongly curved glabrous part and a tenuous flexible basal part of approximately equal length; stigma capitate, terminal, surrounded by a ring of branched or simple hairs.
Corolla medium sized; standard oblate, reflexed, glabrous, only slightly auriculate with appendages 2 or obsolete; wings obovate-oblong; keel incurved through 360°, the beak twisted.
Seeds oblong or narrowly oblong, compressed; rim aril scarcely to slightly developed but a small persistent cartilaginous funicle remnant.
Calyx appearing 4-or 5-lobed, the upper pair of lobes united into a low rounded or notched lip.
Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; leaflets sometimes lobed; stipules and stipels present.
Perennial twining herbs; rootstock usually tuberous.
Pods linear, almost straight, not septate.
Vexillary stamen free; anthers ± uniform.