Ovary (in an apparently hermaphrodite flower) 3-lobed, one lobe containing an apparently well-developed ovule, glabrous; pistillode 3-lobed in male flowers.
Shrublet up to 30 cm. in height; branchlets densely appressed-pubescent to tomentose, glabrescent.
Fruit with 1–2 cocci developing; cocci c. 10 mm. in diam., subglobose, glabrous.
Flowers white; pedicels 1·5 mm. long, glabrous; flower-buds nearly glabrous.
Sepals 5, 4·5 × 4 mm., subcircular, minutely ciliate, otherwise glabrous.
Inflorescence 2–4 cm. long, terminal or leaf-opposed; rhachis tomentose.
Stamens with filaments c. 2·5 mm. long (perhaps immature), pilose.
Petals 5, 4·5 × 3 mm., rhombic, pilose on the margin.
Ripe seed not seen.