Ovary (2)3(5)-lobed, (2)3(5)-locular; loculi 1-ovulate; style gynobasic; pistillode vestigial in male flowers.
Fruit of (2)3(5) cocci (of which 1 to 4 usually abort), subglobose, indehiscent, somewhat fleshy or leathery.
Leaves normally paripinnate, petiolate to subsessile; leaflets 2–11-jugate, alternate or subopposite.
Flowers usually dioecious (in our species), usually spuriously polygamous, actinomorphic.
Petals 5, ciliate, each with a hairy deeply 2-lobed scale at the base.
Inflorescence an axillary or terminal paniculate thyrse.
Stamens (8)12–30; staminodes shorter in female flowers.
Seeds 1 in each coccus, without arillodes.
Disk ± annular, surrounding the stamens.
Sepals 5, the 2 external ones smaller.
Trees or shrubs or rarely shrublets.