Small to large tree, 4-36 m; bole to 20 m; d.b.h. 15-150cm, with small or larger buttresses; bark finely fissured, flaky, wood soft, white. Leaves chartaceous to coriaceous, obovate to elliptic, 9-34 by 5½-20cm, apex rounded, rarely short-wide-acuminate; base cuneate to cordate; glabrous to yellow hairy in various degree, as is the thyrse; petiole 3-6 cm. Peduncle 5-20 cm; rachis 2-5 cm; primary lateral stalks of triads 2-4 cm. Calyx 12-18 mm. Corolla tube inside at base densely capitate-glandular hairy on insertion of stamens. Anthers orange, darker than corolla. Fruit 10-14 by 3½ cm. Seeds c. ¾ cm ø, incl. wings 3 by 2 cm.
In primary and secondary forests, in Borneo not rare in heath forest, mostly on sandy soils, podsols and wet kerangas, slopes of podsol terraces, from sea-level up to 1000 m. Fl. Jan.-Oct.